Now showing items 1-20 of 319

    • A 3D gluing defect inspection system using shape-based matching application from two cameras 

      Marizan, Sulaiman, Engr. Prof. Dr.; Hairol Nizam, Mohd Shah; Mohamad Haniff, Harun; Lim, Wee Teck; Mohd Noor Fakhzan, Mohd Kazim (Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l., 2013)
      This research is regarding the application of a vision algorithm to identify the operations of a system in order to control the decision making concerning jobs and work pieces recognition that are to be made during system ...
    • Accurate and effective method to smoothen grasping force signal of glovemap using gaussian filter 

      Nazrul Hamizi, Adnan; Wan Khairunizam, Wan Ahmad, Dr.; Zuradzman, Mohamad Razlan, Dr.; Juliana Aida, Abu Bakar, Dr.; Mohd Azri, Abd Aziz; M. Hazwan, Ali (IJENS Publishers, 2013-06)
      This paper presents the use of Gaussian filtering method to smoothen the grasping force signals by using computational Gaussian Algorithm. The finger grasping force signals are measured using a low cost DataGlove called ...
    • Accurate measurement of the force sensor for intermediate and proximal phalanges of index finger 

      Wan Khairunizam, Wan Ahmad, Dr.; Shahriman, Abu Bakar, Dr.; Nazrul H., Adnan (Foundation of Computer Science, 2012-05)
      In this research paper, the study for grip force on the maximum level of the various materials handling griper can be evaluate at an effective maximum isometric strength especially for intermediate and proximal phalanges ...
    • Acoustic emission monitoring of multiaxial ultimate elastic wall stress tests of glass fibre-reinforced epoxy composite pipes 

      Mohd Shukry, Abdul Majid; Mohd Afendi, Rojan, Dr.; Ruslizam, Daud, Dr.; Gibson, A.G.; T.A., Assaleh; Hale, J.M.; Hekman, M. (Taylor & Francis, 2014-01)
      This paper describes the acoustic emission (AE) monitoring of multiaxial ultimate elastic wall stress (UEWS) tests of filament wound glass fibre-reinforced epoxy composite pipes under hydrostatic, pure axial and pure hoop ...
    • Adapting SICK PLS 101 laser scanner for 3D interior modelling data collection 

      Shazmin Aniza, Abdul Shukor, Dr. (Penerbit UTM Press, 2014)
      This paper highlights on the process of optimizing a SICK PLS 101 laser scanner sensor to collect 3D data of building interiors. The sensor, which is an industrial-based, is used to perform tasks like inspection, metrology ...
    • Adaptive boosting with SVM classifier for moving vehicle classification 

      Norasmadi, Abdul Rahim; Abd Hamid, Adom, Prof. Dr.; Paulraj, Murugesa Pandian (Elsevier Ltd, 2013)
      This study examines co-solvent modified supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) to extract the saturated fatty acids from palm oil. The applied pressure was ranging from 60 to 180 bar and the extraction temperatures were ...
    • Adaptive Neuro-Controller for three axes attitude control of innovative satellite 

      Siti Maryam Sharun; Mohd Yusof Mashor, Prof. Dr.; M. N. Norhayati; W. N. Hadani; Sazali Yaacob, Prof. Dr. (Science Academy, 2011-03)
      There exists so many disturbance torques in space which may deviate the satellite from the desired attitude. To overcome the effects of the disturbance torques some stabilization has to be provided to the satellite. This ...
    • Adaptive Neuro-Controller for three-axes attitude control of innovative satellite 

      Siti Maryam, Sharun; Mohd Yusoff, Mashor, Prof. Dr.; M. N. Norhayati; W. N. Hadani; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr. (Science Academy Publisher, 2011-03)
      There exists so many disturbance torques in space which may deviate the satellite from the desired attitude. To overcome the effects of the disturbance torques some stabilization has to be provided to the satellite. This ...
    • An adaptive predictive fuzzy logic for the altitude control of a micro-satellite 

      Ramachandran, Nagarajan; Pandiyan, Paulraj Murugesa, Prof. Madya Dr.; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr.; Zuraidah, Md Zain, Prof. Dr.; Rusli, R. (Association pour la promotion des techniques de modelisation et de simulation dans l'entreprise Press, 2009)
      This paper deals with the attitude control of a micro-satellite in space using fuzzy logic principles. A micro-satellite in space can behave in an un-predictive way due the effect of variations in its system parameters and ...
    • Advancements in Transmitters and Sensors for Biological Tissue Imaging in Magnetic Induction Tomography 

      Zulkarnay, Zakaria; Ruzairi, Abdul Rahim; Muhammad Saiful Badri, Mansor; Sazali, Yaacob; Nor Muzakkir, Nor Ayob; Siti Zarina, Mohd. Muji; Mohd Hafiz Fazalul, Rahiman; Syed Mustafa Kamal, Syed Aman (MDPI AG, 2012-05-29)
      Magnetic Induction Tomography (MIT), which is also known as Electromagnetic Tomography (EMT) or Mutual Inductance Tomography, is among the imaging modalities of interest to many researchers around the world. This noninvasive ...
    • Analysis of exhaust muffler with micro-perforated panel 

      Wei, Hong Tan; Zaidi, Mohd Ripin, Dr. (Journal of Vibroengineering, 2013)
      An expansion chamber muffler with the use of a micro-perforated panel (MPP) was developed to improve the acoustic performance. A simulation was carried out using the SysNoise application in the LMS Virtual Lab based on the ...
    • Analysis of finger movement by using motion information from glovemap and motion capture system 

      Moustafa Hazwan, Ali; Wan Khairunizam, Wan Ahmad, Dr.; Nazrul Hamizi, Adnan; Y. C, Seah; Juliana Aida, Abu Bakar, Dr.; Zuradzman, Mohamad Razlan, Dr. (IJENS Publishers, 2013)
      Nowadays, through the advancement of science and technology, possibility of human finger provide information into computer is no longer question. Fingers movement and hand motion continuously being center of research in ...
    • Analysis of infant cry through weighted linear prediction cepstral coefficients and probabilistic neural network 

      Hariharan, Muthusamy; Lim, Sin Chee; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr. (Springer Science+Business Media, LLC., 2012)
      Acoustic analysis of infant cry signals has been proven to be an excellent tool in the area of automatic detection of pathological status of an infant. This paper investigates the application of parameter weighting for ...
    • Analysis of stress concentration factor in bolted joint using finite element method 

      Khaleed Hussain, M. T.; Samad, Zahurin; Suhaib, S.; Uthman, A. R.; Jagirdar, S. A.; Badruddin, Irfan Anjum; Mallíck, Zulquernain; Khan, Zahid Akhtar; Abdul Quadir, Ghulam (University of MalayaDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, 2008)
      Bolted joints are widely used in industries e.g. pressure vessels, automobiles, machine tools, home appliances etc., thus it is becoming increasingly important to accurately predict the behavior of bolted joints. The ...
    • An Ant Colony System for Solving DNA Sequence Design Problem in DNA Computing 

      Farhaana, Yakop; Zuwairie, Ibrahim; Amar Faiz, Zainal Abidin; Zulkifli, Md. Yusof; Mohd Saberi, Mohamad; Khairunizam, Wan; Watada, Junzo (ICIC International, 2012-10)
      Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic information used in the development and functioning of all known existing organisms. In DNA computing, a set of DNA sequences is involved in solving ...
    • Application study on bubble detection in a metallic bubble column using electrical resistance tomography 

      Suzanna, Ridhuan Aw; Ruzairi, Abdul Rahim, Prof. Dr.; Mohd Hafiz, Fazalul Rahiman, Dr.; Fazlul Rahman, Mohd Yunus; Naizatul Shima, Fadzil; Mohd Zikrillah, Zawahir; Mohd Fahajumi, Jumaah; Muhammad Jaysuman, Pusppanathan; Nor Muzakkir, Nor Ayob; Yasmin, Abdul Wahab; Salinda, Buyamin, Dr. (Penerbit UTM Press, 2014)
      Electrical RESISTANCE tomography (ERT) has been chosen as the field of study because of its advantages of being low COST, suitable for various kinds and sizes of pipes and vessels, having no radiation hazard, and being ...
    • Assessing engineering students’ practical intelligence as the outcome of performing ‘hands-on’ laboratory classes 

      Zol Bahri, Razali, Dr.; Trevelyan, James P. (Penerbit UTM, 2013)
      Experience in an engineering laboratory is important for engineering students and expected to enhance understanding of engineering concepts for which they have learned the theory. Although the aim of the laboratory is an ...
    • Asymmetric ratio and FCM based salient channel selection for human emotion detection using EEG 

      Mohamad Rizon, Mohamed Juhari; Murugappan, M.; Ramachandran, Nagarajan; Sazali, Yaacob (World Scientific abd Engineering Academy and Scoiety (WSEAS), 2008)
      Electroencephalogram (EEG) is one of the most reliable physiological signals used for detecting the emotional states of human brain. We propose Asymmetric Ratio (AR) based channel selection for human emotion recognition ...
    • Asynchronous brain machine interface-based control of a wheelchair 

      Hema, Chengalvarayan Radhakrishnamurthy; Murugesan Pandiyan, Paulraj, Prof. Dr.; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr.; Abdul Hamid, Adom, Dr.; Ramachandran, Nagarajan, Prof. Dr. (Springerlink, 2011)
      A brain machine interface (BMI) design for controlling the navigation of a power wheelchair is proposed. Real-time experiments with four able bodied subjects are carried out using the BMI-controlled wheelchair. The BMI is ...
    • Atrial Fibrillation Identification through ECG Signals 

      Ng Joe, Yee; Vikneswaran, Vijean; Saidatul Ardeenawatie, Awang; Chong Yen, Fook; Lim Chee, Chin (IOP Publishing, 2019)
      This paper presents an algorithm formulated to identify the atrial fibrillation complications through electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. The ECG data for the study was retrieved from Physio Net which consists of normal, ...