Browsing School of Mechatronic Engineering (Articles) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 319
Fuzzy linear programming: A modern tool for decision making
(Penerbit UTM Press, 2002-12)The modern trend in industrial application problem deserves modeling of all relevant vague or fuzzy information involved in a real decision making problem. In the first part of the paper, some explanations on tri partite ... -
A disposable sensor for assessing artocarpus heterophyllus l. (jackfruit) maturity
(MDPI, 2003)The purpose of this work was an attempt to monitor the ripeness process and to investigate the different maturity stages of jackfruit by chemometric treatment of the data obtained from the disposable sensor. Response of ... -
Fuzzy matching scheme for stereo vision based electronic travel aid
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), 2005)Navigation is a significant barrier to individuals with visual impairments. In response to this barrier, a wearable stereo-vision system was investigated and a prototype system named Stereo Vision based Electronic Travel ... -
On stereo processing procedure applied towards blind navigation aid - SVETA
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), 2005)This paper presents a portable traveling support system using stereo image processing for the visually impaired people's navigation. This system named as SVETA consists of a helmet molded with stereo cameras in the front, ... -
Object detection using circular hough transform
(Science Publications, 2005)In this study we propose a new system to detect the object from an input image. The proposed system first uses the separability filter proposed by Fukui and Yamaguchi (Trans. IEICE Japan J80-D-II. 8, 2170-2177, 1997) to ... -
Supervisory fuzzy learning control for underwater target tracking
(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2005-06)This paper presents recent work on the improvement of the robotics vision based control strategy for underwater pipeline tracking system. The study focuses on developing image processing algorithms and a fuzzy inference ... -
Developing digital simulation for echanical engineering: An innovation in distance education
(Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 2006)Distance education engineering students need to be exposed to real-life apparatus to increase the awareness and understanding of the engineering concepts. Nevertheless, the lacking of these equipments, partly due to its ... -
Dynamic characterization of flexible vibrating structures using Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), 2006)Flexible plate structures have broad applications, ranging from industrial area to space technology. The demand for thin, flexible plate structure has rapidly increased due to industrial evolutions. However, this type of ... -
Identification algorithms of flexible structure using neural networks
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), 2006)This paper present an investigation into the development of identification system approaches for dynamic modelling characterization of a two dimensional flexible plate structures. The least square and recursive least square ... -
Object localization using stereo sensors for adept SCARA robot
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2006)In this paper we present a stereo vision system for segmentation of partially occluded objects and computation of object grasping point in bin picking environments. The stereo vision system was interfaced with an Adept ... -
Object detection using geometric invariant moment
(Science Publications, 2006)Geometric moment invariant produces a set of feature vectors that are invariant under shifting, scaling and rotation. The technique is widely used to extract the global features for pattern recognition due to its discrimination ... -
Face recognition using eigenfaces and neural networks
(Science Publications, 2006)In this study, we develop a computational model to identify the face of an unknown person’s by applying eigenfaces. The eigenfaces has been applied to extract the basic face of the human face images. The eigenfaces is ... -
Comparison study between multimedia and simulation courseware toward students’ achievement based on different levels of motivation
(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 2006-12)The teaching-learning approach used in all core subjects at Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP) is the ‘hands-on’ approach. Students will be exposed to real-life apparatus to increase the awareness and understand more ... -
Circular discontinuities detection in welded joints using Circular Hough Transform
(Elsevier B.V., 2007)Conventional radiography is one of the common non-destructive testing which employs manual image interpretation. The interpretation is very subjective and depends much on the inspector experience and working conditions. ... -
A low cost solution for post-biopsy complications using available RFA generator and coaxial core biopsy needle
(Australia College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM), 2007)Percutaneous image-guided needle biopsy is typically performed in highly vascular organs or in tumours with rich macroscopic and microscopic blood supply. The main risks related to this procedure are haemorrhage and ... -
Fast background subtraction for real time monitoring
(International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)/ACTA Press, 2007)We present an implementation for fast detection of moving objects in real time monitoring applications. We apply a common technique known as background subtraction for this purpose. Background subtraction can be defined ... -
A BI-RADS based expert systems for the diagnoses of breast diseases
(Science Publications, 2007)We proposed an expert system based on the interpretation of mammographic and ultrasound images that may be used by expert and non-expert doctors in the interpretation and classifying of patient cases. The expert system ... -
A survey on face emotion recognition and applications
(Association for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises (AMSE), 2007)This paper presents a decade long research efforts of recognizing human emotion conveyed through facial expressions (face emotion). Face emotion recognition starts from processing still and video camera images and identifying ... -
Tilt detection of connectors using phase shifting
(International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)/ACTA Press, 2007)AVI's are playing important roles in quality inspection in the electronic industry. Most existing AVIs are single overhead camera and are incapable detecting 3D defects. This work presents solving the shortcoming stated ... -
Fine needle aspiration cytology evaluation for classifying breast cancer using artificial neural network
(Science Publications, 2007)Thirteen cytology of fine needle aspiration image (i.e. cellularity, background information, cohesiveness, significant stromal component, clump thickness, nuclear membrane, bare nuclei, normal nuclei, mitosis, nucleus ...