Now showing items 1-20 of 501

    • Acclimatization and performance study of palm oil mill effluent (POME) in closed anaerobic reactor 

      Lim, Kok Keat (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2010-04)
      Anaerobic reactor system is particularly effective to reduce pollutant of the high strength wastewater and produces the biogas. POME wastewater considered as polluting contaminants due to its high organic load was treated ...
    • The additive for cement and its properties 

      Mohd Hanafi, Roslan (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2012-05)
      This research was carried out to establish the properties and strength behaviour of concrete using additive using mix design concrete and constant water-cement ratio. The main objective of this study is to find the strength ...
    • Adsorption and kinetic study of cocoa pod husk activated carbon on dyes 

      Kasma, Jeru (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2015-05)
      Dye effluent is a contaminant that can poses serious effect to health and environment. There are various approaches in order to treat this problem. Adsorption is one of the treatments which leave no harm to the environment. ...
    • Adsorption and kinetic study of spent tea leaves on dye 

      R.M. Abdu Luqman, Mohamed (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2011-04)
      Coloured effluents from industrial activities have negative impact on the environment and also human health. Many efforts have been done to decolourise such effluent. The conventional solution is adsorption by using activated ...
    • Adsorption of basic dyes from aqueous solution by Nypa Fruticans frond 

      Iffah Nabihah, Mhd Hassan Zaini (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2012-05)
      this study, the potential use of Nypa fruticans (NF) frond as the biosorbent for the removal of Methylene Blue (MB) (basic dye), Brilliant Green (BG) (basic dye) and mixture of Methylene Blue and Brilliant Green (MIX) was ...
    • Adsorption of carbon dioxide by palm shell-based activated carbon modified with Polyethyleneimine (Pei) and ammonia solution 

      Mohd Naim, Mohd Nor (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2012-05)
      Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the components of fuel gas and the product of combustion, and is also one of the primary greenhouse gases, contributing to the increase of the earth’s surface temperature and producing long ...
    • Adsorption of copper solution on chitosan beads adsorbent 

      Noor Husaiha, Hussain (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2010-04)
      The use of waste as an adsorbent for removal of copper from aqueous solution was investigated due to its low cost value. Chitosan which was derived from crustacean shells was used in this study. The adsorption experiment ...
    • Adsorption of heavy metals solution on commercial activated carbon adsorbent: Batch studies 

      Mohd Nazri, Shamsudin (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2011-04)
      The ability of commercial activated carbon to adsorb Pb2+ from aqueous solution has been investigated through batch experiments. The adsorption of lead onto commercial activated carbon has been found to depend on adsorbent ...
    • Adsorption of reactive red dye using regenerated activated carbon: Batch and column studies 

      Mohamad Fikri, Abas (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2011-05)
      Reactive azo dyes, such as Reactive Red 120 are commonly use in textile industry. Low utilization degree and its functional group bonds to water is a problem for the removal from wastewater. Granular activated carbon ...
    • Adsorption studies of heavy metal solutions using corn cobs adsorbents 

      Lim, Hooi Peng (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2012-05)
      In this study, corn cobs were utilized as an adsorbent to remove heavy metals (Cu and Zn) from aqueous solution. The influences of initial Cu (II) and Zn (II) ion concentration (25 - 200 ppm) with contact time, temperature ...
    • Adsorptive properties of ananas comosus peels and leaves based activated carbon 

      Nurul Najihah, Jamil (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2012-05)
      The adsorption of MB (Methylene Blue) and AO7 (Acid Orange 7) dye onto ACACMPL (Ananas Comosus Activated Carbon Mixed Peels and Leaves) were carried out by conducting five different parameters such as initial concentration, ...
    • Adsorptive properties of Garcinia Mangostana Linn. based activated carbon 

      Wan Fadhilah, Wan Mohd Khalik (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2012-05)
      The adsorption of two different groups of dyes which were anionic (Acid Orange 7) and cationic (Methylene Blue) onto Garcinia Mangostana Linn.(GML) based activated carbon was studied for the removal of dyes from aqueous ...
    • Aerial video recording using helium balloon for building surveillance 

      Alvin, Anak David Miieg (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2013-06)
      Nowadays aerial video recording using helium balloon for building surveillance are having great advance technique. It use balloon filled with helium to lift the camera and other equipment. This project is made with a purpose ...
    • Aerobic composting system for treating food waste at cafeteria: Wang Ulu residential college 

      Rohazriny, Rohim (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2012-05)
      A study was conducted to investigate the food waste composting system in Cafeteria Wang Ulu Residential College. Food waste generated from cafeteria in Wang Ulu Residential College was evaluated using composting bin system. ...
    • Air quality study in critical area in Perlis 

      Siti Dzulaiha, Abidin (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2011-05)
      Air pollution is a serius environmental problem and may bring health impact to human. This paper will focus on the particulate matter with a diameter less than 10μm (PM10). This paper are carried out to determine the ...
    • Analysis of EPS-Block geofoam for slope stabilization using finite element method 

      Nurul Ain, Ahmad (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)
      The purpose of this study is to investigate the suitability and use of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) in slope construction. EPS geofoam is a lightweight material that has been used in construction at present. Among its uses ...
    • Analysis of ground anchor for slope stabilization 

      Sarihah, Md Jaafar (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2013-06)
      Improper slope analysis design might cause slope failure which has been acknowledge as one of the most frequent disaster that can lead to great loss of properties and life. There are many types of slope stabilization ...
    • Analysis of manganese and zinc in rice rain and rice husk with modification of sulfuric acid digestion method 

      Noradibah, Mahmud (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2014-06)
      Heavy metal is abundant in nature and it has been widely used in many types of industrial activities. The overuse of pesticides without limit and improper waste disposal activities were among of the most significant cause ...
    • Analysis of raft foundation with geofoam for earthquake resistant 

      Mohd Taftazani, Ahmad (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2014-06)
      It is becoming a great challenge for civil engineers to design a foundation with able to restrain form an earthquake. The paper presents the settlements of raft foundation (static load) and the effects of raft foundation ...
    • Analysis of raked pile using spun pile 

      Muhammad Harzarul Afiq, Johar (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Environmental Engineering, 2014-06)
      Pile foundation is the part of the structure used to carry and transfer the load of the structure to the bearing ground located at some depth under the ground surface. Main components of the foundation are the piles and ...