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dc.contributor.authorIntan, Anjaningsih
dc.contributor.authorM., Fulki Fadhillah
dc.contributor.authorLilik, Hasanah
dc.contributor.authorEndi, Suhendi
dc.identifier.citationInternational Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials, vol.13(1), 2020, pages 81-90.en_US
dc.identifier.issn1985-5761 (Printed)
dc.identifier.issn1997-4434 (Online)
dc.descriptionLink to publisher's homepage at
dc.description.abstractThe tunneling current in the P-N junction diode Bilayer Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons (BAGNR) was calculated. The tunneling current was obtained by solving the Schrödinger equation to find out the electron transmittance through a potential barrier by using the Transfer Matrix Method (TMM). The tunneling current was calculated for various variables such as bias voltage, BAGNR width, electric field, and temperature. It is found that the tunneling current increases with the increasing bias voltage. Furthermore, the tunneling current of electron increases with the increasing BAGNR width or the applied electric field, otherwise it decreases with the increasing temperature. The tunneling current of P-N junction diode BAGNR generated approximately 4.8 μA with 1 MV/cm electric field and a bias voltage of 100 mV. Then, the calculation of tunneling current of BAGNR was also compared with Monolayer Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons (MAGNR). By using BAGNR, the tunneling current produced is three times greater than using MAGNR. In addition, the tunneling current using TMM is then compared with the Wantzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) method and shows that these two methods produce the same value at a low voltage below 30 mV, while at high voltages, MMT always has a higher value.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Malaysia Perlisen_US
dc.subjectTunneling currenten_US
dc.subjectP-N junction diodeen_US
dc.titleModeling of tunneling current of electron in Bilayer Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons P-N junction diode using transfer matrix methoden_US

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