Browsing School of Computer and Communication Engineering (FYP) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 310
Development of new OCDMA detection scheme
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-03)A new direct detection technique is proposed for optical code multiple accesses using Double Weight code. In optical system the detection process affect design transmitter and receiver. The Multiple Access Interference ... -
RF transceiver design for UniMAP educational purpose
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-03)Next-generation high data rate wireless communication systems offer completely new ways to access information and services. To provide higher data speed and data bandwidth, RF transceivers in next- generation communications ... -
Final year grade computation using PHP and Java
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-03)Universiti Malausia Perlis (UniMAP) is a distributed university which located in a few different locations in Perlis as Kangar, Kubang Gajah, Automart, Taman Semarak, Taman Muhibbah, and Kg.Wai.The student’s hostel also ... -
Temperature controller system
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-03)After research and discussion, I will take Temperature Controller System such as Final Year Project title. Temperature control system is a combination of software and hardware. The software part will receive an input from ... -
Infrared wireless computer peripheral
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-03)Overall of the project being done is the implementation of infrared photodiode towards conventional computer peripheral device for mouse keyboard and printer. The transmission of the infrared photodiode is mainly dependant ... -
Inform departure and arriving of busses using Bluetooth
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-03)Bluetooth is a new technology in the wireless communication system. Bluetooth become the best technology that work in short range and using low power comsumption to work. Because of its low power consumption and ability, ... -
Efficiency measurements of small antennas using Wheeler Cap method and Directivity/Gain method
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-03)The project undertaken was to measure the efficiency of small antennas. There are two kind of method used to measure the efficiency of the small antennas such as “Wheeler Cap” method and “Directivity/Gain” method. Each of ... -
Development of intelligent traffic light
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-04)Today, most of the traffic lights in Malaysia are controlled by Programmable Logic Control (PLC). This controller is chosen due to its low cost and user friendly programming language. The program could be modified to suit ... -
Clear fluid detector using Optical technique
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-04)Nowadays, the optical technologies are very young in Malaysia. This technology still in the research to changes the sensor technologies. The detector requirement are very similar to those of optoelectronic sources; that ... -
Medical facilities database management system and superconductors
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-04)Medical Facilities Database Management System is a project to manage the data of medical facilities such as hospital and clinic. This system will help to store and hasten the process of retrieving patient medical history ... -
FM telephone transmitter
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-04)The project titled FM Radio Telephone Transmitter is a project, which consists of telephone set, transmitter electronic circuit, FM Radio where the Standard FM broadcasts are based in the 90 - 95 MHz range. Roughly this ... -
UNIMAP class scheduling automation system
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-04)The purpose of this project is to design software that can automatically arrange lectures and lab sessions according to subjects from each courses and years in a proper manner and to avoid from clash between other classes. ... -
Multi sensor monitoring and camera vision system
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-04)This project is to monitor the sensor (ultrasonic sensor) and measure the distance between the robot and obstacle. The sensor will be mounting on the bipedal walking robot and will generate the signal to main controller ... -
Solar tracking system
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-04)This project is to develop a Solar Tracking System. Solar cells are very thin (about 1/100th of an inch thick). Most are rectangular or circular wafers made of silicon (sand), but some consist of a thin film that is mounted ... -
Design of controller circuit for AC-to-DC three-phase inverter by using FPGA
(University Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-04)I use Altera UP3 board with Cyclone FPGA chipset to generate the six signals needed by this project. These six signals are created by using VHDL programming in the Quartus II software. The 1st and the 2nd signals are ... -
Mobile calories calculator and advisor for healthy diet
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-04)This is a WAP server application based project which provides the information on topic of health care by the theories like calorie, Body Mass Index (BMI), Resting Energy Expenditure (REE), food calorie, and healthy diet ... -
Compact planar folded dipole for wireless application
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-04)Antenna miniaturization for mobile wireless applications has recently drawn a lot of attention. since the technology in communication increased and the size of the devices has been reduced to be smaller than it normal size. ... -
Wireless message communicator
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer & Communication Engineering, 2007-04)In today’s era of sophisticated and well-improved structure, demands in modern and new in technology is so important for society who wish to have a handful device in many kind of aspect. Therefore, engineers need to find ... -
Performance analysis of video streaming on ad hoc network
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer and Communication Engineering, 2007-04)A computer network is an interconnected collection of independent computers which aids communication in numerous ways. A modern day computer network consists of two major components, namely distributed applications and ... -
Remote car starter using radio frequency
(Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Computer Communication Engineering, 2007-04)Nowadays, most of the remote control is a controlling device using infrared transmission method. Unfortunately, it can only control a device one at the time. This proposal discusses about the design and implementation of ...