Switch-Mode-Power-Supply loop stability design
The Mathcad is being used very widely in both electronic industries and educational institutions as an essential computer-aided-design (CAD) tool for mathematical application. Engineers using Mathcad will easily simulate mathematical application into graph or other application. Instead of using various computer-aided designs (CAD) to make the calculation and plot graph, this software amazingly can do both applications simultaneously. The Switch-Mode-Power-Supply (SMPS) also being used widely in the various applications which Buck Regulator is the most common Switch-Mode-Power-Supply (SMPS) that been used. The stability of SMPS will be
determined by the phase margin and gain margin. Varies value for the compensation
network will be analyzed and evaluated for stability. Each component of compensation
network will be analyze either they influence the stability or not. The expectation is each value does affect the stability of the compensation network. In order to get these results, the Mathcad simulation will be used due to the benefit when using this software.