Solar tracking system
This project is to develop a Solar Tracking System. Solar cells are very thin (about
1/100th of an inch thick). Most are rectangular or circular wafers made of silicon (sand), but some consist of a thin film that is mounted on glass or thin metal. When sunlight hits the cell, electrons are released. The electrons then flow onto wires, forming direct current (DC), which is the same kind of current that flows from a regular battery. A four-inch silicon cell can produce about one watt of DC electricity. This project uses a stepper
motor to control the position of solar energy collectors, using microcontroller. The
software includes the positioning of collectors through stepper motor& data acquisition. Optical sensing and Processing: LDR (Light Dependent Resistance) is used as a sensor for generating an electric signal proportional to intensity of light falling on it. LDR is mounted at the focus of reflector which is directly mounted on solar energy collectors. Stepper motor and its driving circuit The stepper motor requires that its stator windings should be energized in a programmed sequence to cause the motor to run in a given direction and with a required speed.