Modeling of optical network using OMNet++
Optical network is a part of communication network. Optical network is a high capacity telecommunication based on optical technologies and component that provide
routing grooming and restoration at wavelength level. Some background studies been conducted in order to understand further about the optical fiber, optical network and the software. This project is to model an optical network which offers multiple channels for transmission. The network is build using the OMNeT ++ software. OMNeT++ is a C++ based object oriented Discrete Event Simulator framework, primarily targeted to the simulation of communication network and other parallel or distribution system. Two main objective of the project is to learn and understand the software and the second is to produce a complete model. There are two phase involved in this project which are phase 1 and 2. The network is build by creating two types of file which is the .ned file and .cc file. As for the configuration the omnetpp.ini file has been created. All these files are compiled in Linux operating system due to my computer lack of certain installation drivers. If the program could be configured and simulate than there will be animation graphic simulation. The project was partially successful which is that the direct transmission for the phase 1 could produce the result while the finalized design have problem to be configured. Only
managed to achieve one of the objectives which are to learn and understand the software.