Now showing items 1327-1346 of 2600

    • Investigate the liberation of copper from waste Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 

      Mohd Zaheruddin, Kasmuin; Aimi Noorliyana, H.; Md. Fazlul, Bari; Sri Asliza, Md. Amin; Faizul, Che Pa; Kamarudin, Hussin, Brig. Jen. Dato' Prof. Dr. (Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Materials Engineering & School of Environmental Engineering, 2010-06-09)
      Nowadays the waste PCBs increasing sharply proportionally the number of personal computers which is 5.7 million in 2005 and the predict amounts, it will be increase to 11.5 Million in 2010 (Unit Perancangan Ekonomi, ...
    • Investigate the power losses for transformer design on different material of CRGO (Grain Oriented Material) 

      Siti Rahayu, Mohamed; Ismail, Daut, Prof. Dr.; Syafruddin, Hasan (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)
      The power loss will effect by the silicon contents on Grain Oriented Material. This will discuss about the core loss that occur in two different grain oriented material as M4 and M5 specimens. In this paper baby Epstein ...
    • Investigating size features of acute leukemia using k-nearest neighbors 

      Nadiatun Zawiyah, Supardi; Nor Hazlyna, Harun; Mohd Yusoff, Mashor, Prof. Dr.; Rosline, Hassan, Dr. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)
      This study investigates the size feature of acute leukemia of blood sample image by using k-NN as a classifier. K-NN is believed to be one of the simplest methods in classifying data including images. Hence, this paper ...
    • Investigation of complementary split ring resonators with dielectric ring 

      Ezanuddin, A. A. M.; Fareq, Malek, Dr.; Soh, Ping Jack (Institute of Electrical and Electronics of Engineering (IEEE), 2010-11-08)
      This paper present development in relation to a wideband antenna comprising a disk antenna and a plurality of circular split ring resonators coupled with a high dielectric ring. Using slotted resonators together with ...
    • Investigation of ergonomic risk factors in a car tyre service centre 

      Mohd Nasrull, Abd Rahman; Faieza, Abdul Aziz; Rosnah, Mohd Yusuff (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2009-12-01)
      The purpose of this study was to investigate the ergonomic risk factors, the prevalence of body discomfort among workers and sources of injury/discomfort in a car tyre service centre. Questionnaire survey and interview ...
    • Investigation of influence of voltage source type on harmonic characteristics 

      Risnidar, Chan Bahaudin; Ismail, Daut, Prof. Dr.; Surya, Hardi Amrin; N., Hashim; Indra, Nisja; Syafruddin, Hasan (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010-06-23)
      This paper discussed about influence of voltage source types on harmonic characteristics. Usually, the voltage source is sinusoidal. But in actually, the condition of the load is has voltage sources through the elements ...
    • Investigation of natural attenuation and bioaugmentation techniques in remediate heavy metal contaminated sediments 

      Farah Naemah, Mohd Saad; Nik Norulaini, Nik Abd. Rahman, Prof. Dr.; Abbas Fadhl Mubarek, Al-Karkhi, Dr.; Syakirah Afiza, Mohammed (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)
      An investigation of natural attenuation as well as application of bioaugmentation techniques in reduction of heavy metals in contaminated sediment is studied. Five elements were chosen for this study namely zinc (Zn), ...
    • Investigation of oxidative and corrossive inhibiting performance of vegetable oil 

      Wan Mohd Norsani, Wan Nik; Mohammed Misbahul, Amin; Ahmad, Jusoh; Noraaini, Ali (University College of Science and Technology MalaysiaFaculty of Science and Technology, 2004-05-31)
    • Investigation of photovoltaic modules cooling system 

      Farhana, Zainuddin; Mohd. Irwan, Yusoff; Ismail, Daut, Prof. Dr.; Nurul Razliana, Abd Razak (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)
      It is well known that the power and efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) module usually falls at the rate of ~0.5%/°C and ~0.05%/°C respectively as increase of ambient temperature. The electrical efficiency of PV cell depends ...
    • Investigation of potential numerical acoustic treatment for SMK Ayer Keroh hall 

      M.Z., Nurul Nadiah; H., Mohd Nor; M.I., Imran; M., Jantul Islah (Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 2009-06-20)
      Reverberation time is the amount takes for sound pressure level or intensity to decay to 60dB. The school hall is used as the reverberation room for testing. There are five positions to measure the reverberation time ...
    • Investigation of power factor on harmonic effect due to types of voltage source 

      Risnidar Chan Bahaudin, Ir.; Ismail, Daut, Prof. Dr.; Syafruddin, Hassan; M. I., Yussof; Rosnazri, Ali; Dina Maizana, Maiz Ahmad; Indra, Nisja; Masykur (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2010-10-16)
      This paper discussed about power factor on harmonic effect due to types of voltage source. Usually, the voltage source is sinusoidal. But in actually, the condition of the load is has voltage sources through the elements ...
    • Investigation of relationships of adjustable speed drive (ASD) and type of voltage source on harmonic characteristics 

      Risnidar Chan Bahaudin, Ir.; Ismail, Daut, Prof. dr.; Surya, Hardi; M. I., Yussof; Rosnazri, Ali; Dina Maizana, Maiz Ahmad; Eddy, Warman; Masykur (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2012-10-16)
      This paper discussed about relationship of ASD and types of voltage source on harmonic characteristics. Usually, the voltage source is sinusoidal. But in actually, the condition of the load is it has voltage sources ...
    • Investigation of rolling and hard direction of magnetic field distribution on Grain Oriented M5 electrical steel material 

      Ismail, Daut; Anayet, Karem; Syafruddin, Hasan; Muhammad Irwanto (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 2009-10-11)
      This paper describes the idea of the electrical machine design perspective whose aim is latter on to design and development of the copper and aluminum rotor for induction motors to improve the operational efficiency. The ...
    • Investigation of single and double action mechanical deflection 

      Heap, Yee Nean; Usubamatov, Ryspek, Prof. Dr. (Malaysian Technical Universities Network (MTUN), 2009-06-20)
      Many types of washing approaches have been introduced in laundry industry. They generally use rotating drum and rotary actuator installed at the bottom washing drum to generate rotating effect during washing process. There ...
    • Investigation of single and double action mechanical deflection cloth washing process 

      Heap, Yee Nean; Ryspek, Usubamatov, Prof. (Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 2009-06-20)
      Many types of washing approaches have been introduced in laundry industry. They generally use rotating drum and rotary actuator installed at the bottom washing drum to generate rotating effect during washing process. ...
    • Investigation of the effects of plasma arc parameters on the machining of different engineering materials 

      Mohd Hafidz, Norizaman; Bhuvenesh, Rajamony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2010-10-16)
      Advance machining such as Plasma Arc Cutting machine to cut common engineering material was very limited in the industry. The main problem was due to little knowledge and experiences to handle the machine and also less ...
    • Investigation of vision impairments using pattern reversal VEPs and extreme learning machine 

      Vijean, Vikneswaran; Hariharan, Muthusamy; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)
      Analysis of vision impairment using pattern reversal visually evoked potentials (VEP) is gaining interest from researchers. The VEPs are collected using non-invasive EEG electrodes from the scalp overlaying the occipital ...
    • Investigation of wind characteristics and wind energy technical assessment in Kerman, Iran 

      Masoud Iranmanesh; Baniasad Askari (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Mekatronik, 2012-02-27)
      Wind data collected of the three synoptic sites for the period of Jul 2006 to Jun 2008 at the height of 40 m has been used to study the wind characteristics, monthly and annual wind energy potential for three agricultural ...
    • Investigation of wind energy potential in Kangar, Perlis 

      Arizadayana, Zahalan; Ismail, Daut, Prof. Dr.; Noor Syafawati, Ahmad; Nurul Razliana, Abd Razak; Risnidar, Chan Bahaudin, Ir.; Noor Syafawati, Ahmad (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)
      Government of Malaysia had introduced the fifth source of energy which is the renewable energy in the 8th Malaysia Plan to overcome the limited fossil fuels. Utilization of wind energy as an energy source is one of the ...
    • Investigation on mammographic image compression and analysis using multiwavelets and neural network 

      U. S., Ragupathy; A., Senthil Kumar (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012-02-27)
      In digital mammography, the resulting electronic image is very large in size. Hence, the size poses a big challenge to the transmission, storage and manipulation of images. Microcalcification is one of the earliest sign ...