Bukhari Ilias : [13] Collection home page

This page provides access to research works by Bukhari bin Ilias, currently a Lecturer of School of Mechatronic Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP).

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Hospital nurse following robot: hardware development and sensor integrationBukhari, Ilias; Ramachandran, Nagarajan, Prof. Dr.; Murugappan, M., Dr.; Khaled, Helmy, Dr.; Awang Sabri, Awang Omar; Muhammad Asyraf, Abdul Rahman; bukhari@unimap.edu.my
2012Facial expression based computer cursor control system for assisting physically disabled personBukhari, Ilias; Vasanthan, M; Nagarajan, R; Murugappan, M; Letchumikanth, J; vasan6647@yahoo.com; murugappan@unimap.edu.my; nagarajan@unimap.edu.my; bukhari@unimap.edu.my; letchu8787@yahoo.com
Nov-2012A comparative study of wavelet families for classification of wrist motionsMuthusamy, Hariharan; Chong, Yen Fook; Sindhu, Ravindran; Bukhari, Ilias; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr.; hari@unimap.edu.my
27-Feb-2012Hospital nurse following robot: Hardware development and sensor integrationBukhari, Ilias; Ramachandran, Nagarajan, Prof. Dr.; Murugappan, M.; K., Helmy; A. S., Awang Omar; M. A., Abdul Rahman; bukhari@unimap.edu.my
17-May-2012Nurse following robot: An automated robust control nurse following robot with self leveling platform, special wheel, suspension system and sensor integration for crowded hospital ward.Bukhari, Ilias; Abdul Hamid, Adom, Prof. Madya Dr.; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr.; Ramachandran, Nagarajan, Prof. Dr.; Khaled, Helmy, Dr.
17-Feb-2011A spider like map building robot to investigate the presence of objects in debris-clutteredRamachandran, Nagarajan, Prof. Dr.; Bukhari, Illias; Yew, Yum Wah; Yeoh, Shiau Yunn; bukhari@unimap.edu.my
17-Feb-2011Nurse following hospital robot with special wheels and sensor intergrationRamachandran, Nagarajan, Prof. Dr.; Bukhari, Illias; Awang Sabri, Awang Omar; Muhammad Asyraf, Abdul Rahman; bukhari@unimap.edu.my
27-Apr-2012Nurse personal robot: An automated robust control nurse following robot with self leveling platform, special wheel, suspension system and sensor integration for crowded hospital wardAzrul, Ahmad; Sulaiman, Bakri; Bukhari, Ilias; Abdul Hamid, Adom, Prof. Madya Dr.; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr.; Ramachandran, Nagarajan, Prof. Dr.; Khaled, Helmy, Dr.; Mohd. Khairul, Helmy; Muhammad Zairy, Shazni; Mohd Al Haffiz, Saad
11-Jan-2012Nurse personal robot: An automated robust control nurse following robot with self leveling platform, special wheel and sensor integration for crowded hospital wardBukhari, Ilias; Ramachandran, Nagarajan, Prof. Dr.; Abdul Hamid, Adom, Prof. Madya Dr.; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr.; Khaled, Helmi, Dr.; Azrul, Ahmad; Sulaiman, Bakri; bukhari@unimap.edu.my
14-Oct-2011Nurse following hospital robot with special wheels and sensor intergrationBukhari, Ilias; Ramachandran, Nagarajan, Prof.; Azrul, Ahmad; Sulaiman, Bakri; Awang Sabri, Awang Omar; Muhammad Asyraf, Abdul Rahman
Dec-2006GPS controlled autonomous walking robot with ultrasonic sensorBukhari, Ilias; R. Nagarajan; Sazali, Yaacob; Sundaraj, Kenneth
16-Sep-2006GPS controlled autonomous walking robotBukhari, Ilias; R. Nagarajan; Sazali, Yaacob; Sundaraj, Kenneth
9-Jan-2008GPS Controlled Walking RobotBukhari, Ilias
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
Skills and Expertise:Mobile Robotics,Robot Control,Robotics,Automation & Robotics,Robot Vision,Navigation,Localization,Control Systems Engineering,Electronic Engineering and Microcontrollers