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Title: A comparative study of wavelet families for classification of wrist motions
Authors: Muthusamy, Hariharan
Chong, Yen Fook
Sindhu, Ravindran
Bukhari, Ilias
Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Discrete wavelet transforms
Wrist motions
Neural networks
Issue Date: Nov-2012
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.
Citation: Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 38(6), 2012, pages 1798-1807
Abstract: The selection of most suitable mother wavelet function is still an open research problem in various signal and image processing applications. This paper presents a comparative study of different wavelet families (Daubechies, Symlets, Coiflets, and Biorthogonal) for analysis of wrist motions from electromyography (EMG) signals. EMG signals are decomposed into three levels using discrete wavelet packet transform. From the decomposed EMG signals, root mean square (RMS) value, autoregressive (AR) model coefficients (4th order) and waveform length (WL) are extracted. Two data projection methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) and linear disciminant analysis (LDA) are used to reduce the dimensionality of the extracted features. Probabilistic neural network (PNN) and general regression neural network (GRNN) are employed to classify the different types of wrist motions, which gives a promising accuracy of above 99%. From the analysis, we inferred that 'Biorthogonal' and 'Coiflets' wavelet families are more suitable for accurate classification of EMG signals of different wrist motions.
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ISSN: 0045-7906
Appears in Collections:School of Microelectronic Engineering (Articles)
School of Mechatronic Engineering (Articles)
Sazali Yaacob, Prof. Dr.
Hariharan Muthusamy, Dr.
Bukhari Ilias

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