Computer aided education on power cables
This final year project presents a development of computer aided education on power cables that used to distribute electricity. With urban growth, power cables became moreover increasingly necessary to replace some of the overhead lines for power transmission and distribution with underground cables. The cable characteristics are determined by the geometrical parameters of the cable as well as the electrical and physical properties of the materials and other component parts of the cables. There are also have advantages on using the power cables. Macromedia Flash will be used to develop a computer aided education on power cables. Flash is an authoring tool that designers and developers use to create presentations, applications, and other content that enables user interaction. Flash projects can include simple animations, video content, complex presentations and applications. Consumer commonly used the computer aided education because it is easy to use, more attractive and user friendly. Besides that, Macromedia Flash will create an interesting content which is consumer have fun of seeing animated produced by multimedia splash.