Investigation of harmonic losses from compact fluorescent lamp due to type of voltage source
Project reportedly is focus on investigation of harmonic losses result from compact
fluorescent lamp usage (CFL) by using a few unique voltage type, which is triangular
wave, square wave, combination of third harmonic, fifth and seventh and sinusoidal wave
as main referral. This project sees effect the input current form and the voltage after
nonlinear burden (CFL) is connected. Criteria that observed are active power effect,
reactive power, real power, power factor, and also the total harmonic distortion for current
and voltage. CFL's nonlinear load had produced current distortion more to 100 percent on
power system electric that harmful to amount of power received by end user. The
measurement from the experiment been analyzed until the eleventh of harmonic seems
precise with the experiment data. The sinusoidal and combination of third, fifth and seventh
harmonic seem to be the better as a source voltage compared to the square wave. To design
and simulate circuit, Simulink Matlab 2009 software been used.