Study on solar cell simulator
Photovoltaic is rapidly becoming a mature industry as the performance of
photovoltaic system components and the leverage of large-scale industrial production
steadily decrease costs. A photovoltaic (PV) system generates electricity by the direct
conversion of the sun’s energy into electricity. This simple principle involves sophisticated technology thas is used to build efficient devices, namely solar cells, which are the key
components of a PV system and require semiconductor processing techniques in order to be
manufactured at low cost. The general objectives of this project are to design and modeling
hardware of Solar Cell Simulator to obtain the I-V curve under certain conditions. Not only
is that, the specific objectives to study about the solar cell output, to design the hardware to
simulate the solar cell, to generate the I-V curve and to performs the different type of solar
output using the analogue devices. The scope of this project is mainly creating hardware for
the Solar to simulate the output and in order assigned to design and modeling simulator for
the solar to gain the different type of I-V curve, which is the major finding of this project.