Browsing Zuraidah Mohd Zain,Prof Datin Dr. by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Methodology of designing quality into manufacturing process and equipment: A proposal
(2002)Many manufacturing organizations are unable to achieve acceptable quality performance because they do not have total control over their processes and equipment. Strict inspection cannot guarantee a stable supply of quality ... -
Achieving excellence in academic service quality with critical success factors identified in university learning
(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 2005-12-12)Performance evaluation in educational systems must have a balance of measures of and judgment about both efficiency (the relationships of inputs to outcomes) and effectiveness (the relationships of objectives to outcomes). ... -
Statistical Design of Experiment (SDE): A part of virtual manufacturing
(2006)Of late, much has been discussed on virtual manufacturing. Essentially, virtual manufacturing comprises of the development of prototypes using computer simulation. In this paper, it is proposed that Statistical Design ... -
Application of Statistical Design of Experiment (SDE) to study wrinkles and delamination defects on composite sandwich panels
(2007)The sandwich panels made of composite materials are subject to a variety of process parameters. In this paper an experimental investigation of composite manufacturing significant issues; such as wrinkles and delamination ... -
'New' Universities, Internationalisation and university rankings
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 2007-06-15)Internationalisation of higher education, the main theme, is specifically directed at ‘new’ Universities and in particular Malaysia; however the issues and suggestions are applicable to any recently formed university and ... -
Easy Pyro-Reactor
(School of Environmental Engineering, 2008-01-09) -
An adaptive predictive fuzzy logic for the altitude control of a micro-satellite
(Association pour la promotion des techniques de modelisation et de simulation dans l'entreprise Press, 2009)This paper deals with the attitude control of a micro-satellite in space using fuzzy logic principles. A micro-satellite in space can behave in an un-predictive way due the effect of variations in its system parameters and ... -
Fuzzy variable structure control of dynamical systems with an application to micro satellite stabilization
(Institute of Electrical and Elctronics Engineering (IEEE), 2009-03-06)This paper is on determining a hybrid form of control which has both Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) and Variable Structure Control (VSC) integrated. This proposed Fuzzy Variable Structure Control (FVSC) approach combines the ... -
Y-Thompson regulating control using adaptive predictive fuzzy logic for a micro-satellite
(Institute of Electrical and Elctronics Engineering (IEEE), 2009-03-06)Attitude control system is designed to change the attitude of a satellite, able to meet pointing requirement, eliminating external disturbances, a low-cost controller as well as a high reliability control system which can ... -
Methodology of designing Statistical Design of Experiment (SDE) to study wrinkles and delamination on composite panels
(2010)Composites are two or more dissimilar materials, such as fibre and resin, working together to create a product with exceptional properties not present in the original materials. There are various technologies used in the ... -
Methodology of designing Statistical Design of Experiment (SDE) to study wrinkles and delamination on composite panels
(2010)Composites are two or more dissimilar materials, such as fibre and resin, working together to create a product with exceptional properties not present in the original materials. There are various technologies used in the ... -
New vane type wind turbine of high efficiency
(Federation of Engineering Institution of Islamic Countries, 2010-08-02)Wind energy has often been touted as one of the most reliable sources of renewable energy that should be used for people. Today wind energy produces less than one percent of total energy used worldwide mainly by propeller ... -
New vane type wind turbine of high efficiency
(Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, 2012-01)Wind energy has often been touted as one of the most reliable sources of renewable energy that should be used for people. Today, wind energy (mainly by propeller type wind turbines) produces less than one percent of the ... -
Drag coefficient effect of vertical axis wind turbine
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Mekatronik, 2012-02-27)The new world boom for wind turbines obliged inventors to create new wind turbine designs that have high efficiency and better then known designs. This paper proposes the impeller wind turbine, which uses more effectively ... -
Optimization of the processing mode of machine tools by using the criterion of minimum cost
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Mekatronik, 2012-02-27)Calculation of the cost and optimization of the operating modes for automatic machine tools today is complex, and in many cases, an unresolved problem. Most equations for calculating the optimal machining processes with ... -
Effect of cutting speed on economics analysis and optimal machining condition by selection cemented carbide turning tool
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)Estimation of the expense and adjustment of the operating systems for automatic machine tools today is complicated, and in numerous cases, an unresolved trouble. The majority of the equations for scheme the optimal machining ... -
Productivity and optimization of section-based automated lines of parallel-serial structure with embedded buffers
(Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2013-03)Automated production lines of a parallel-serial structure are most productive in the manufacturing area. Designers of automated lines segment into sections with several stations place buffers between the series of sections ... -
South East Asia work measurement practices challenges and case study
(Springer Science+Business Media Singapore, 2013-07-18)South-East-Asia has been producing wide range of products since decades ago, and hence it is often dubbed as the world’s manufacturing-hub. In terms of operation, physical size and capital investment, there are ...