Performance analysis using automated color sorting robot for industrial purposes
The system consists of one industrial robot as
well as conveyor belt driven by a programmable logic
controller (PLC). A Purpple-Fuchs color sensor model VCS-
110K that can detect up to 10 colors is connected to the
system to detect the color of the specimen. This color
detection will work as a trigger signal to be sent to the robot
controller to sort the specimen in a box accordingly with
respect to the color. Yellow color bars were set to location
1(pallet 1), orange color bars were set to location 2(pallet 2)
whereas cyan, green and red color bars were set to location
(pallet) 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Performance analysis (Graph
Completion Task Time versus Speed) is conducted to
estimate the detection response between the primary color
and the secondary color.
- Conference Papers [2599]