Strategic application of advance product quality planning in the automotive industry
The automobile industry is considered as the
single largest manufacturing sector in the world. One way to stay competitive, carmakers should focus on the quality of product performances. This research was conducted to
study the application of Advance Product Quality Planning (APQP) in improving quality performance. The objective of this research namely: to exploring the APQP activity and
phases, evaluating the performances of APQP application, and suggesting the best strategy of APQP applications. Results show the linkages of activities in phases from APQP
application improve product performances for both car X and Y and from the Independent sample T-test show that the learning curve of the APQP application during
development of car Y much better than car X. In conclusion, the successful application of APQP can be achieved through learning curve improvement by conducting more training, improving motivation amongst team member and having better learning and working environment.
- Conference Papers [2599]