Characterization of foamed concrete made from lightweight bubble aggregate as coarse aggregate
In this project, coarse aggregates are formed by mixing between the foam and cement according to composition which have been set. Then, the properties of coarse aggregate are identified through conducting several analysis. For foamed concrete, three
types of foamed concrete is produced which is a type as control sample, the substitution of sand with 25 % and 50 % coarse aggregate. Based on the results, the density of foamed concrete for each sample is different which is from 1577 kg/m3 to 1832
kg⁄m where the density for all three types of foamed concrete are successful categorized under lightweight concrete. For water absorption in foamed concrete, its value has increased from 18,890 % to 26,027 % and these data indicate the water absorption in foamed concrete increases with the substitution of coarse aggregate in concrete. Furthermore, the strength of foamed concrete at the age of 28 days for the control sample is 3.207 MPa, while the substitution of 25 % for concrete aggregates is 10.738 MPa and substitution of 50 % for concrete aggregates is 7.829 Mpa. In conclusion, the optimum content of coarse aggregate that can be used in foamed concrete in this study was only 25 % as a substitute for sand in foamed concrete.