An investigation of residents perception on municipal solid waste collection system performance in Kangar, Perlis
As the population grows rapidly and solid waste management has become critical problem nowadays, phenomenon will influence the generation of solid waste and will create problems on existing system or policies. To solve this problem, collection effective and competency of worker must be seen because almost 80 % from the total cost comes from the collection operation. In junction with that, a research was carried out at some selected areas. The areas that involved Taman Ira, and Kg.Tok Kandang. The purpose of this study was to assess the satisfaction of residents in the area of solid waste collection service levels provided, review the effectiveness of the management of solid waste collection, as well as
the perceptions of employees Environment Idaman Sdn.Bhd towards the attitude residents in
the area. The data are collected by preparing the questionnaire, interviews, and observeration during collection process. The collected data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel with Statistical Analysis. The results showed that most respondents, 50% of respondents from the residential and the village state the collection work is at a satisfactory level. However, 20% of respondents from the residential and 70% of the village state that there were leachate flowing out of the solid waste collection trucks. Thus, several aspects need to be seen and and improved of solid waste management, especially regarding the
efficacy and ethics of employees in order to increase the efficiency of solid waste collection
in this country.