Kamarudin Hussin, Brig. Jen. Datuk Prof. Dr.
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Profesor Emeritus, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
Areas of Expertise and Specialization : •Metallurgical engineering •Mineral processing •Mineral extractive •Administration and management of higher education institution
Recent Submissions
The effects of various concentrations of NaOH on the inter-particle gelation of a fly ash geopolymer aggregate
(MDPI AG, 2021-02)Aggregates can be categorized into natural and artificial aggregates. Preserving natural resources is crucial to ensuring the constant supply of natural aggregates. In order to preserve these natural resources, the production ... -
Compressive strength and thermal conductivity of metakaolin geopolymers with anisotropic insulations
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2020-02)This research investigated the properties of thermally insulating geopolymer prepared using waste filler (fibreboard and rubber) to act as anisotropic pore/insulation. The geopolymer matrix was synthesised using metakaolin ... -
Effect of solid-to-liquid ratio on thin fly ash geopolymer
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2020-02)The present work studies the effect of solid-to-liquid (S/L) ratio on the properties of thin fly ash-based geopolymer. The fly ash geopolymers with dimension of 160 mm × 40 mm × 10 mm were synthesised by using various S/L ... -
The influence of pre-heated treatment to improve adhesion bond coating strength of fly ash based geopolymer ceramic
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2018-06)The study focus on effect of pre-heated ceramic surface on the adhesion bond strength between geopolymer coating coating and ceramic substrates. Ceramic substrates was pre-heated at different temperature (400 °C, 600 °C, ... -
Effect of sodium hydroxide molarity on physical, mechanical and thermal conductivity of metakaolin geopolymers
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2018-03)In the present work, the effect of different sodium hydroxide (NaOH) molarity (6M, 8M, 10M, 12M and 14M) on the physical, mechanical and thermal conductivity of metakaolin geopolymers (MkGPs) was investigated. Geopolymers ... -
Effect of alkali concentration on fly ash geopolymers
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2018-03)This paper presents the effect of NaOH concentration on fly ash geopolymers with compressive up to 56 MPa at 12M. The physical and mechanical on fly ash geopolymer are investigated. Test results show that the compressive ... -
Corrosion studies of fly ash and fly ash-slag based geopolymer
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2017-06)This paper presents the results of corrosion studies between Fly Ash Geopolymer (FG) paste and Fly Ash-Slag Geopolymer (FSG) paste. Geopolymer was made from aluminosilicate inorganic polymers mixed with the alkaline activator ... -
Properties and behavior of Geopolymer Concrete Subjected to Explosive Air Blast Loading: a review
(EDP Sciences, 2017)The severe damage to civilian buildings, public area, jet aircraft impact and defense target under explosive blast loading can cause a huge property loss. Most of researcher discusses the topics on design the concrete ... -
Natural Fiber Filament Wound Composites: A Review
(EDP Sciences, 2017)In recent development, natural fibers have attracted the interest of engineers, researchers, professionals and scientists all over the world as an alternative reinforcement for fiber reinforced polymer composites. This is ... -
The Effect of Different Ratio Bottom Ash and Fly Ash Geopolymer Brick on Mechanical Properties for Non-loading Application
(EDP Sciences, 2017)This paper studies the finding of strength and water absorption of geopolymer bricks using bottom ash and fly ash as a geopolymer raw material for non-loading application with minimum strength. The study has been conducted ... -
The effect of brief cognitive behavioural therapy group intervention on self esteem among drug users
(EDP Sciences, 2018)Self-esteem is related to the individuals understanding and accepting the existing character and attitude to themselves. Failure to understand and accept their own strengths and weaknesses and in the same time do not have ... -
Screening drug, alcohol and substance abuse the Psychometric measures
(EDP Sciences, 2018)Urinalysis was used in previous studies among higher institution students (n=16252) in Malaysia to answer the question of whether university students are involved in drug abuse. However, the use of urinalysis had faced ... -
Perception of teacher on Cooperative Learning
(EDP Sciences, 2018)The participation of students in the process of learning is one of the keys to ensure effective learning outcomes either in terms of knowledge or skill. However, teacher-centred teaching methods which have been practiced ... -
Manufacturing of fire resistance geopolymer: a review
(EDP Sciences, 2016)Protection against fire using inorganic polymer is a new application of engineering technology. Even though, there are varieties of fire-protection materials, there is always a need for the development of new materials ... -
Kaolin Geopolymer as precursor to ceramic formation
(EDP Sciences, 2016)This paper introduced the potential application of kaolin geopolymer as ceramic precursor. This is one of the alternatives to produce high strength ceramic at a slightly lower temperature. Upon sintering the conversion of ... -
Effect of Crumb Rubber on compressive strength of fly ash based Geopolymer concrete
(EDP Sciences, 2016)This study explores the effect of different percentage of crumb rubber on compressive strength of fly ash based geopolymer concrete. This research attempted to produce rubberized geopolymer concrete as an environmentally ... -
Review of Dolomite as precursor of Geopolymer materials
(EDP Sciences, 2016)Geopolymer is an environmentally friendly cementitious binder that does not require the existence of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Geopolymer has many excellent advantages, including high early strength, low shrinkage, ... -
Review on Various Types of Geopolymer Materials with the Environmental Impact Assessment
(EDP Sciences, 2017-02)The development of green technology in the construction industry since 10 years ago is something to be proud of Malaysia. Several alternative geopolymer materials were invented in Malaysia such as fly ash, POFA, kaolin, ... -
Effect of Solids-To-Liquids, Na2SiO3-To-NaOH and Curing Temperature on the Palm Oil Boiler Ash (Si + Ca) Geopolymerisation System
(MDPI AG, 2015)This paper investigates the effect of the solids-to-liquids (S/L) and Na2SiO3/NaOH ratios on the production of palm oil boiler ash (POBA) based geopolymer. Sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution were used as ... -
Natural Fiber Filament Wound Composites: A Review
(EDP Sciences, 2017-02)In recent development, natural fibers have attracted the interest of engineers, researchers, professionals and scientists all over the world as an alternative reinforcement for fiber reinforced polymer composites. This is ...