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Title: Shear strain analysis in FSS microchannel
Authors: Zaliman, Sauli, Dr.
Retnasamy, Vithyacharan
Nor Shakirina, Nadzri
Tan, Hsio Mei
Kamarudin, Hussin, Brig. Jen. Dato' Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Forward facing step
Shear strain
Issue Date: Oct-2013
Publisher: AENSI Publications
Citation: Advances in Environmental Biology, vol. 7(SPEC. ISSUE 12), 2013, pages 3644-3648
Abstract: Microfluidics has motivated the development of various fields in biological engineering due to its advantages. The favorable benefits of using microfluidicsare being easy to fabricate, requirement of minimal fluid volumes, high-throughput and large scale integration. Microfluidic devices are strongly related with the fluid manipulation. However, the fluids have lack ability to resist deformation therefore the investigation on shear strain rate of fluid flow is required. In this paper, a study on the shear strain rate characteristics in Forward Facing Step (FFS) microchannel was conducted. The shear strain rate was investigated based on different Reynolds (Re) numbers before and after step conditions. The maximum shear strain rate was observed near the wall across the X-axis for both before and after step. Higher Re numbers produced higher shear strain rate distribution.
Description: Link to publisher's homepage at
ISSN: 1995-0756
Appears in Collections:Vithyacharan Retnasamy
Zaliman Sauli, Lt. Kol. Professor Dr.
School of Microelectronic Engineering (Articles)
School of Materials Engineering (Articles)
Kamarudin Hussin, Brig. Jen. Datuk Prof. Dr.

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