Utilization of paper mill sludge ash in concrete mixture
Utilization of Paper Mill Sludge in concrete mixture as partial cement replacement is study in term of its mechanical strength and physical structure. The objectives of this study is to find out the feasibility and also the best constituent of Paper Mill Sludge ash as partial replacement of cement in concrete mixture and the physical properties of Paper Mill Sludge ash. This product is believed to be able to replace conventional concrete mix after undergo compression and flexural test. This study also benefit the construction industry in term of cost while for the environment it can reduce emission of harmful pollutant into the environment from the manufactured of cement. The effect of Paper Mill Sludge Ash in concrete mixture as cement replacement on mechanical strength of concrete are evaluated and the result show the best constituent of mixture is 5 % of Paper Mill Sludge ash as partial replacement of cement as it yield higher ultimate strength than other concrete mixture proportion and the physical properties show the advantages of having it partially mix in concrete mixture. Objectives of the study is achieved.