The different in sofware esteem and orion for design concrete frame structure
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is one of the new emerging technologies in construction, design and digital format representative. This research design involved two types of structural design software which were Esteem and Orion that available in the market and represents important skills to become a successful civil and structure engineer in future. Part of the research was to study the steps in designing a building structure by following the manual book and understand the usage of each toolbar
provided in the software. A guardhouse architectural drawing will be used for the building structure design. Using both softwares, the result will be compared with the manual calculation. Both software have its own advantages and disadvantages. In
Esteem software, the calculation for each element can be checked and as an advantage to understand and compare the reinforcement result generated. Orion software did not provide calculation for checking the results generated and therefore, formula used by the software to calculate the loading and reinforcement selection was unknown. Esteem software showed more accurate results compare to Orion software and suitable to be used in Malaysia because of the suggested reinforcement that suits structural frame installation method.