Green technology awareness among construction organization
Global awareness toward environmental friendly issues which caused from the side effect of irresponsible construction activities had been a popular topic among the Malaysian citizen nowadays. This is because the society start to realize the importance of preserving the environment. The National Green Technology Policy was formulated by the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) and launched on 2009 in order to reflect the government’s effort in pushing green technology and enhancing environmental sustainability. Malaysia government had promoted four major areas of green technology in our country which are energy, building, water and waste management. This research is conducted to investigate the level of green technology awareness among the contractors in Malaysia. The research investigate the level of knowledge and awareness about green technology among the contractor. In addition, the study also identified the most common green technology practice preferred by the contractors. Due to the limitation of time, this research was conducted in state of Perlis. Survey form was distributed to the contractors in Perlis to collect the information about the awareness of green technology practices in construction industry. The result showed that most of the contractors aware about the important of implementing the green technology practice in construction in order to protect and sustain the environment. This research had met the aim and objectives that previously set for this research.