dc.description.abstract | Nowadays, the view of conventional method had been changed due to emerging of advanced technologies. The emerging of Industrialized Building System (IBS) shown that this system can improve the technology in construction sector. This system is invented to shift from the traditional method into advanced method and can adopt the modern approach while to upgrade the performance of safety aspect at site area. Establishment of IBS system is to promote the safety aspect at construction site towards to maintain the sustainability of system. However, variety mistake and unsafe manner occur at the site that can lead to death. There are few causes of accidents at the site, there are lack of technology knowledge and expertise, bad management at site area, lack of trainer and etc. The area of study focused in Perak , Perlis Penang and Kedah. This research of methodology conducted base on the interview, site visit and a questionnaire to 50 respondents from IBS company. The respondent of this survey comprising from project manager, contractor, supplier/manufacturer/safety officer and technical officer. Regarding from the data, 70% - 90% respondent agreed that there are several factor need to consider such as the important items at work site, PPE provided to employees, method of safe lifting components, bracing process, handling the cutting process and so on. Thus, the respondents try to give some idea and suggestion to improve the safety at site construction. Structures of questionnaire was designed by taking into account their action on the safety at site construction to their employees and finally distributed to the respondents with aim to assess their understanding and awareness regarding to this safety in IBS construction. | en_US |