Effect of fresh spices on the fermentation and lactic acid bacteria of Fermented Clam (Mercenaria mercenaria)
Fermentation is one of the common method used for food preservation in South-Eastern Asia. However, the fermented food products were not well accepted especially by young generations due to its unique taste and distinct aroma. In this study, clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) had been used to investigate the effect of different fresh spices on the fermentation microflora of lactic acid bacteria and sensory evaluation. The clam were fermented for 8 days with addition different fresh spices such as garlic, ginger and lemongrass. Fermented clam without the addition of fresh spices was served as control The effects on fermentation were analysed in terms of physico-chemical changes such as pH color and texture.The lactic acid were determined using De Man, Ragosa and Sharpe (MRS), M17 and tomato juice agar.The sensory acceptability of fermented clam with addition of fresh spices were also carried out. The changes of physico-chemical of all parameters were decreased over fermentation period. The CFU of lactic acid bacteria by using MRS, M17 and tomato juice agar were increased for all different fresh spices over fermentation period. Sensory evaluation showed that fermented clam with the addition of lemongrass had the highest acceptability score in terms of aroma, color, taste, texture and overall acceptability.