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dc.creatorMohamed Elshaikh, Elobaid Saidahmed
dc.descriptionDoctor of Philosophy in Computer Engineeringen_US
dc.description.abstractVehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) grasp the interest of researchers and many governmental agencies as technological solution for human’s transportation systems. VANET aims at providing connectivity among vehicles on the road and infrastructure network in ad hoc communications scheme. In VANET each vehicle uses a routing mechanism to find a path for sending its messages to the last destination, where messages are sent in a multi hop fashion. The aforementioned behavior emphasis the impact of the routing protocol mechanism in the performances of VANET. In recent years, the analysis of VANET routing protocols and their impact on the performances of network with different network scenarios has significantly developed a better understanding of the requirements and goals for designing a VANET routing protocol. Further, in the literature many routing protocol mechanisms are proposed to deal with VANET’s requirements. Nonetheless, proposed routing mechanisms in the literature considered a single network scenario in VANET. However, Vehicles or moving nodes in VANETs are tend to travel in long distances, which implies their engagement in multiple network scenarios and topologies. The adhered behavior of VANET’s nodes results in a need for a routing mechanism that addresses the requirement of more than one network scenarios and topologies. This problem is less considered in the literature. Hence, this thesis proposes a chameleon method routing mechanism to tackle the dynamic topology changes in VANET. The proposed mechanism defines the performances of a routing protocol in different network scenarios as a single and multiple objectives optimization problem. Taguchi Method and differential evolution optimization methods are used to solve the routing parameters optimization problem.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)en_US
dc.rightsUniversiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)en_US
dc.subjectVehicular ad hoc networks (Computer networks)en_US
dc.subjectVehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET)en_US
dc.subjectRouting protocolen_US
dc.titleBio-inspired method for improving routing protocol performances in vehicular ad-hoc networken_US
dc.contributor.advisorOmg, Bi Lynn, Dr.
dc.publisher.departmentSchool of Computer and Communication Engineeringen_US

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