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dc.contributor.authorNadia, Tajudin
dc.contributor.authorMohd Harith, Amlus
dc.contributor.authorAmlus, Ibrahim
dc.contributor.authorAhmad Zaidi, Abdullah
dc.contributor.authorUmmi Naeimah, Saraih
dc.identifier.citationMATEC Web of Conferences, vol.150, 2018, 3 pagesen_US
dc.identifier.issn2261-236X (online)
dc.descriptionLink to publisher's homepage at
dc.description.abstractMalaysia government still identify the best system in giving people solution on renewable energy. This study will focus on the performance of PV module. The characteristic of PV module still can be argued especially in absorbing the direct effect of sun light energy. The previous authors were not having a specific solution on the problem of the PV module implication after received the direct effect of sun light. This study will suggesting on the innovation of the process and system of PV module and restructuring the characteristic and provides information. The tools of quality PDCA and (OEE) will be used to identify the best solution using the different type of cooling system. From this information, the stake holder can decrease the cost of using this type of technology.en_US
dc.publisherEDP Sciencesen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMalaysia Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET 2017);
dc.subjectRenewable energyen_US
dc.subjectPV moduleen_US
dc.titleA study on performance characteristic: The effect of different parameter of renewable energy applicationen_US

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