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dc.contributor.authorM. Zhafarina
dc.contributor.authorM. Irwanto
dc.contributor.authorH. A. Hamid
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Engineering Research and Education, vol.9, 2017, pages 53-58en_US
dc.descriptionLink to publisher's homepage at
dc.description.abstractThe system of electrical has a single phase and three phase system. The inverter also holds several types of inverter such as half bridge inverter and full bridge inverter. This paper focused on single phase full bridge inverter using coupled filter of the LC filter. Filter in this study used inductor of 500uH for the DC power source system. The full bridge inverter circuit with the high frequency of the sinusoidal pulse width modulation control was also used. The coupled filter is used in this project to reduce the circulating DC/AC stage. The frequency of the square wave of the full bridge circuit is controlled. This project best suit a capacitive load of 15 Watts bulbs in the input voltage of 17 VDC. The performance of the full bridge circuit with the filter in the waveform before filter, and after the filter is observed. The square wave waveform is the output waveform of the inverter in AC before filtering and after filtering the waveform is the sinusoidal wave.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)en_US
dc.subjectFull bridge inverteren_US
dc.subjectSPWM (sinusoidal pulse width modulation)en_US
dc.titleComparison Study of AC Load Waveform before and after LC Filter on Full Bridge Inverter using Multiple Pulse Width Modulationen_US

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