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dc.contributor.authorSengodan, Thangaprakash
dc.contributor.authorBaharuddin, Ismail
dc.contributor.authorTunku Muhammad Nizar, Tunku Mansur
dc.identifier.citationp. 358 -368en_US
dc.descriptionThe 2nd International Malaysia-Ireland Joint Symposium on Engineering, Science and Business 2012 (IMiEJS2012) jointly organized by Universiti Malaysia Perlis and Athlone Institute of Technology in collaboration with The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia, Education Malaysia and Malaysia Postgraduates Student Association Ireland (MyPSI), 18th - 19th June 2012 at Putra World Trade Center (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.en_US
dc.description.abstractZ-source inverters (ZSI) are widely accepted as an alternative power conversion concept for traditional voltage source and current source inverters (VSI/CSI). Compared to the three phase machines, multiphase machines posses number of advantages and are being considered for high power variable speed applications. This extends the interest of designing and analyzing the multi phase inverters with added features to control multiphase drives. This research paper aims to provide the power circuit, closed loop control structure and operational analysis of a five phase Z-source inverter that provides five phase variable voltage and variable frequency supply with appropriate shoot-through pulse width modulation (PWM) concept. The operation of five phase Z-source inverter is discussed in this paper based on the simple boost control method with indirect DC-link voltage controller. To facilitate understanding of five phase Z-source inverter modulation, a detailed analysis with carrier-based implementation reference equations derived. The operational analysis and modulation have been carried out by simulations using Matlab/Simulink software.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProceedings of the The 2nd International Malaysia-Ireland Joint Symposium on Engineering, Science and Business 2012 (IMiEJS2012);
dc.subjectZ-source inverteren_US
dc.subjectPulse width Modulationen_US
dc.subjectIndirect controlleren_US
dc.subjectMultiphase driveen_US
dc.titleOperational analysis of five phase Z-Source inverteren_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US

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