Early detection of cancer by regression analysis and computer simulation of gene regulatory rules
Cellular signaling and dynamic interaction among
genes result in stable phenotype structures such as tumor or non
tumor cells. Tumor and non-tumor cellular cells often contain
some identical cancer causing genes but due to differences in
their regulatory networks they evolve differently. As a result, if
such regulatory networks are discovered one could predict
whether a cell containing particular cancer genes will in fact end
up to become a cancerous cell. This paper utilizes a mathematical
approach to determine such regulatory rules for a set of cells
containing cancer causing genes and uses computer simulation to
predict whether in a long run a particular cell will evolve into a
cancerous cell. The proposed process utilizes Probabilistic
Boolean Networks (PBN) on two gene regulatory networks; one
for tumor and one for non-tumor producing structures. The
process uses a regression analysis to identify the regulatory
networks and a computer simulation model to predict long term
cancer potential.
- Conference Papers [2599]