School of Environmental Engineering (FYP): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 501
Removal of COD and colour from AT-POME by heterogeneous fenton like process using iron Ore aggregate
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)The production of palm oil mill effluent (POME) kept increasing every year in Malaysia and it is needed a proper treatment before can be discharged into water source. Recently, Fenton process have gained attention of ... -
Road maintenance prioritization fuzzy logic approach
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)This research presents a research study for optimizing decisions on the best combination of preventive road maintenance treatment and looks into prioritization based on a model including all the effects of important factors ... -
Analysis of EPS-Block geofoam for slope stabilization using finite element method
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)The purpose of this study is to investigate the suitability and use of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) in slope construction. EPS geofoam is a lightweight material that has been used in construction at present. Among its uses ... -
A study of potential use of Kenaf powder as fine aggregates in concrete mixture
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)Today many researchers and investigators take a new alternative, trying to make innovation for concrete. Therefore, to create and produce a new idea for concrete, some of them has changed some percentages of concrete or ... -
Utilization of paper mill sludge ash in concrete mixture
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)Utilization of Paper Mill Sludge in concrete mixture as partial cement replacement is study in term of its mechanical strength and physical structure. The objectives of this study is to find out the feasibility and also ... -
A study of Lignin and color removal from Anaerobically Treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent (AT-POME)
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)Lignin is an organic (aromatic polymer group) that acts as a binder for wood cellulose fibers and certain plants. Palm oil mill effluent is highly contaminated wastewater that can pollute the environment directly because ... -
Flexural behaviour of fire damaged reinforced concrete beam
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)The aim of this study is to investigate the flexural behaviour of fire damaged reinforced concrete beam. The flexural behaviours considered were flexural strength, ductility, toughness and stiffness. All twelve beam samples ... -
Studies on a fly ash lightweight aggregate in foamed concrete cubes
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)Fly ash is used as a partial replacement in fly ash lightweight aggregates and fly ash lightweight aggregates is used as a partial replacement in foamed concrete cubes. These materials are important in increasing the ... -
To supply clean water to hilly rural area (palm oil estate) at Felda Tawai, Gerik Perak about 8 km from existing water sources
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)As everybody knows water is essential for life of human, plants and animals. Providing a better water supply can significantly improve the quality of life and is a source of, and the condition for, a socio-economic ... -
The use of Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SIFCON)
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)The use of SIFCON in the civil and structural engineering has been increasingly as the needs of advanced material possessing great performance material is increase. The concrete with the steel fiber has been used during ... -
Assessment on the effetiveness of geotextile for landfill area
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)Geotextile play an important role in construction at present. In this research case study, nonwoven geotextile material used to determine the effective use of geotextiles in the landfills that acts as a filter. The aim of ... -
Catalytic pyrolysis of biomass in fixed bed reactor using calcium based catalysts
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)The catalytic pyrolysis of biomass in fixed bed reactor using calcium based catalysts had been studied in fixed bed reactor. The objective of this study were to determine the influence of pyrolysis product with various ... -
Characterization of foamed concrete made from lightweight bubble aggregate as coarse aggregate
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)In this project, coarse aggregates are formed by mixing between the foam and cement according to composition which have been set. Then, the properties of coarse aggregate are identified through conducting several analysis. ... -
Evaluation and utilization of Kuala Perlis clayey soil as material embankment for roadway
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)Clayey soil is not peculiar to engineering field as these materials are commonly used for construction and problems faces on site are due to the failure of the clay soil itself. Regards to the research, samples of clay ... -
Triggers and barriers of green construction practice in construction site
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)This study discussed about the awareness, understanding and triggers and barriers for implementation of green construction practice at construction site. The increased of construction projects may end up with the negative ... -
The implementation of lightning protection system in Malaysia building
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)The study was to determine the extent of implementation of the lightning protection system in Malaysia’s building. Lightning protection system (LPS) is a system that conducts low resistance from lightning strikes to disperse ... -
Strength performance and durability of an Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) concrete
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)The increase in production of palm oil has caused to the emergence of problems in dust removal of oil palm in Malaysia,the world's leading manufacturers. Realizing the problems that arise from this, various ways of solving ... -
Bond strength in indirect tensile and compressive strength of fire damaged concretes
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)The aims of this study are to investigate the compressive strength and bond strength at fire damaged concrete. The design strength of normal concrete is 30 MPa according to BS 1881. There were 12 sample of 100 x 100 x 100mm ... -
Awareness of installation lightning protection system in the building among administration worker and engineering worker in Ipoh, Perak
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-06)A recent study emphasizes on awareness of the importance of lightning protection systems. In our country at the moment, lightning protection system is not a requirement or a duty for all parties to install it. However, ... -
Development of spreadsheet analysis and design of reinforced concrete element using Eurocode 2
(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2015-05)Introduction of European standards to construction is a significant event and soon it will be introduced to the Malaysian construction industries as well. The ten design standards, known as Eurocodes, will affect all design ...