Now showing items 51-70 of 105

    • Face recognition using eigenfaces and neural networks 

      Mohamed Rizon; Muhammad Firdaus, Hashim; Puteh, Saad; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr.; Mohd Rozailan, Mamat; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff, Prof. Dr.; Abdul Rahman, Saad; Hazri, Desa, Dr.; Karthigayan, M. (Science Publications, 2006)
      In this study, we develop a computational model to identify the face of an unknown person’s by applying eigenfaces. The eigenfaces has been applied to extract the basic face of the human face images. The eigenfaces is ...
    • A feasibility study of using an Electronic Nose as a fruit ripeness measuring instrument 

      Siti Nordiyana, Md Salim; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff; Mohd Noor, Ahmad; Abdul Hamid, Adom (Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan Utara Malaysia, 2005-05-14)
      This paper presents the study of using an artificial olfactory system as a nondestructive instrument to measure fruit ripeness. The cultivar chosen for this study is Harumanis mango. This system comprises of an array of ...
    • The Feasibility Study of Utilising Electronic Nose and ANN for Plant Malaise Detection 

      Marni Azira, Markom; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff, Prof. Dr.; Abdul Hamid, Adom, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Mohd Noor, Ahmad, Prof. Dr.; Abu Hassan, Abdullah (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2008-03-15)
      The agricultural industry has been,for a long time, dependent upon human expertise in using odour for classification, grading, differentiating and discriminating different typesof produce. Odour was also used to determine ...
    • Feasibility study on plant chili disease detection using image processing techniques 

      Zulkifli, Husin; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff, Prof. Dr.; Abdul Halis, Abdul Aziz; Rohani, S. Mohamed Farook (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012-02)
      Producing chili is a daunting task as the plant is exposed to the attacks from various micro-organisms and bacterial diseases and pests. The symptoms of the attacks are usually distinguished through the leaves, stems or ...
    • Ganobuster: Novel, Easy, and Clean Basal Stem Rot Detection System of the Palm Oil Trunk 

      Ali Yeon, Mohd Shakaff, Prof. Dr. (Principal); Mohd Noor, Ahmad, Prof. Dr.; Mohamed Zulkali, Mohamed Daud, Prof. Madya Dr.; Abdul Hamid, Adom, Prof. Madya Dr.; Abu Hassan, Abdullah; Farizul Hafiz, Kasim; Ahmad Faizal; Shah Fenner Khan; Anas, Mohd Noor; Norahim, Ibrahim; Noor Hasyierah, Mohd Salleh; Marni Azira, Markom (INPEX, 2007-06-06)
      The technology incorporates multi-disciplinary inputs in which data captured through the use of versatile sensors are analyzed using artificial neural networks (ANN) to be translated and presented into profiles considered ...
    • Ganobuster: Novel, Easy, and Clean Basal Stem Rot Detection System of the Palm Oil Trunk 

      Ali Yeon, Mohd Shakaff, Prof. Dr. (Principal); Mohd Noor, Ahmad, Prof. Dr.; Mohamed Zulkali, Mohamed Daud, Prof. Madya Dr.; Abdul Hamid, Adom, Prof. Madya Dr.; Abu Hassan, Abdullah; Farizul Hafiz, Kasim; Ahmad Faizal; Shah Fenner Khan; Anas, Mohd Noor; Norahim, Ibrahim; Noor Hasyierah, Mohd Salleh; Marni Azira, Markom (Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS), 2006-05-19)
      The technology incorporates multi-disciplinary inputs in which data captured through the use of versatile sensors are analyzed using artificial neural networks(ANN) to be translated and presented into profiles considered ...
    • Grafting amino-acid molecular imprinted polymer on carbon nanotube for sensing 

      N. Farhanah, Ab. Halim; Mohd Noor, Ahmad, Prof. Dr.; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff, Prof. Dr.; Mohd Nazree, Derman, Dr. (Elsevier Ltd., 2013)
      Molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) is a good matrix that exhibit satisfactory recognition ability when integrated onto sensing transducer. We report on the preparation of such material by graft-polymerizing MIP on the surface ...
    • High degree of testability using full scan chain and ATPG-An industrial perspective 

      Mamun, Ibne Reaz; Lee, W. F.; Hamid, N. H.; Lo, H. H.; Ali Yeon, Mohd Shakaff, Prof. Dr. (Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2009)
      This study describes an efficient design methodology from an industrial perspective on utilizing Register Transfer Level (RTL) coding style, full scan chain implementation and Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG) to ...
    • Highly selective molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) based sensor array using interdigitated electrode (IDE) platform for detection of mango ripeness 

      Huzein Fahmi, Hawari; Nurul Maisyarah, Samsudin; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff, Prof. Dr.; Yufridin, Wahab, Dr.; Uda, Hashim, Prof. Dr.; Ammar, Zakaria; Supri, Abdul Ghani, Prof. Madya Dr.; Mohd Noor, Ahmad, Prof. Dr. (Elsevier B.V., 2013)
      Detection of mango ripeness was performed by developing a highly selective molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) layer combined with interdigitated electrode (IDE) as sensor. Mango volatiles from different week of ripeness ...
    • A hybrid sensing approach for pure and adulterated honey classification 

      Norazian, Subari; Junita, Mohamad Saleh, Dr.; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff, Prof. Dr.; Ammar, Zakaria (MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland, 2012-10)
      This paper presents a comparison between data from single modality and fusion methods to classify Tualang honey as pure or adulterated using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) statistical ...
    • Implementation of 128/256 bit data bus microprocessor core on FPGA 

      Weng, Fook Lee; Ali Yeon, Md. Shakaff, Prof. Dr. (International Congress for global Science and Technology (ICGST), 2007-05)
      This paper shows the implementation of a large data bus size microprocessor core of 128/256 bits on an Altera Stratix 2 FPGA using a superscalar architecture of 3 parallel pipes with 4 stage pipeline as shown in Figure ...
    • Implementing a large data bus VLIW microprocessor 

      Lee, Weng Fook; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff (Science Publications., 2008)
      Microprocessors have grown tremendously in its computing and data crunching capability since the early days of the invention of a microprocessor. Today, most microprocessors in the market are at 32 bits, while the latest ...
    • Improved booth encoding for reduced area multiplier 

      Hussin, R.; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff; Idris, N.; Ismail, R.C.; Kamarudin, A. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), 2006-12)
      In designing high density circuit, size is a major concern in design. This paper presents a simple modification to the Booth Multiplier that can effectively reduce the area with an accepted scarified in speed. A conventional ...
    • Improved classification of Orthosiphon stamineus by data fusion of electronic nose and tongue sensors 

      Ammar, Zakaria; Ali Yeon, Md. Shakaff, Prof. Dr.; Abdul Hamid, Adom, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Mohd Noor, Ahmad; Maz Jamilah, Masnan; Abdul Hallis, Abd Aziz; Nazifah, Ahmad Fikri; Abu Hassan, Abdullah; Latifah Munirah, Kamarudin (MDPI Publishing, 2010-09-28)
      An improved classification of Orthosiphon stamineus using a data fusion technique is presented. Five different commercial sources along with freshly prepared samples were discriminated using an electronic nose (e-nose) and ...
    • Improved Maturity and Ripeness Classifications of Magnifera Indica cv. Harumanis Mangoes through Sensor Fusion of an Electronic Nose and Acoustic Sensor 

      Ammar, Zakaria; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff, Prof. Dr.; Maz Jamilah, Masnan; Fathinul Syahir, Ahmad Saad; Abdul Hamid, Adom, Prof. Dr.; Mohd Noor, Ahmad, Prof. Dr.; Mahmad Nor, Jaafar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Abu Hassan, Abdullah; Latifah Munirah, Kamarudin (MDPI AG, 2012-05-10)
      In recent years, there have been a number of reported studies on the use of non-destructive techniques to evaluate and determine mango maturity and ripeness levels. However, most of these reported works were conducted ...
    • Indexing Odour by using electronic nose 

      Saiful Azhar, Saad; Mohd Noor, Ahmad; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff; Suhardy, Daud; Farizul Hafiz, Kasim; Siti Nordiyana, Md. Salim; A.K.M. Shafiqul Islam (National Cheng Kung University, 2006-01-18)
      Odour produced from landfill had become a serious problem in Malaysia as 70% of the complaints received by environmental regulators were about the odour. At present, Malaysia is still developing its odour standard permitted ...
    • Indoor Air Quality Monitoring 

      Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff, Prof. Dr.; Mohd. Noor, Ahmad, Prof. Dr.; A. K. M. Shafiqul, Islam; Siti Nordiyana, Md. Salim; Noor Hasyierah, Mohd Salleh (Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia, 2005)
      Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a term used to describe how polluted the air inside a confined space is.
    • Influence of dissipation power in copper sputtering plasma measured by optical emission spectroscopy 

      Kevin, Low; Nafarizal, Nayan, Prof. Madya Dr.; Mohd Zainizan, Sahdan, Dr.; Abd Kadir, Mahamad, Dr.; Mohd Khairul, Ahmad, Dr.; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff, Prof. Dr.; Ammar, Zakaria; Fathinul Syahir, Ahmad Sa'ad; Ahmad Faizal, Mohd Zain (Trans Tech Publications, 2014)
      Copper oxide is a low cost material, easy process fabrication and sensitivity to ambient conditions. Therefore, it is a suitable p-type semiconductor oxides material to be used as a gas sensing material. In order to raise ...
    • Intelligent electronic nose system for basal stem rot disease detection 

      Marni Azira Markom; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff; Abdul Hamid, Adom; Mohd Noor, Ahmad; Wahyu, Hidayat; Abu Hassan, Abdullah; N., Ahmad Fikrib (Elsevier, 2009-05)
      The agricultural industry has been, for a long time, dependent upon human expertise in using odour for classification, grading, differentiating and discriminating different types of produce. Odour as a parameter of ...
    • Method to convert Kinect's 3D depth data to a 2D map for indoor SLAM 

      Kamarulzaman, Kamarudin; Syed Muhammad Mamduh, Syed Zakaria; Ali Yeon, Md Shakaff, Prof. Dr.; Shaharil, Mad Saad; Ammar, Zakaria; Latifah Munirah, Kamarudin, Dr.; Abu Hassan, Abdullah, Dr. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013-03)
      Mobile robotics has been strongly linked to localization and mapping especially for navigation purpose. A robot needs a sensor to see objects around it, avoid them and also map the surrounding area. The use of 1D and 2D ...