In vitro antidiabetic of Cemumar (Micromelum pubescens), Tebengau (Ehretia laevis) and Kedondong (Spondias dulcis) leaves extract
In vitro method is widely used to determine the antidiabetic activities in herbal
plants. The method does not involved human body or animal as the model in the
experiment. In this project, three types of plant are selected because they are traditionally
used in the treatment of diabetic disease. In order to study their antidiabetic activities, the
experiment was conducted using an in vitro method which mimicked the diffusion
mechanism of glucose from the intestinal membrane through the blood stream. The data
from the experiment are manipulated using Stat-Ease software, which is one of the design
of experiment method to prove whether the model is significant. The software contains
analysis of variance (ANOVA) to analyze the data according to its curvature, standard
deviation and lack of fit. Result of the experiment has observed that Kedondong (Spondias
dulcis) has comparatively higher antidiabetic activity where as the Cemumar (Micromelum
pubescens) shows the negative deviation and represented as the lowest antidiabetic from the
others. Therefore, it is interesting to study the influenced of the extract at different