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dc.contributor.authorAbdul Razak, Abdul Hadi
dc.contributor.authorAbu Hassan, Shaari
dc.contributor.authorMohamed Hisham, Yahya
dc.descriptionThe 2nd International Conference on the Roles of Humanities and Social Science in Engineering (ICoHSE 2010) organized by Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 12th - 14th November 2010 at Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, Malaysia.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study is pursued with the objective to examine the effect of changes in crude oil price and three macroeconomic variables, namely exhange rate (RM/USD), overnight lending rate (OLR), and money supply (M1) on the performance of public listed companies in Bursa Malaysia as proxied by Kuala Lumpur Compsite Index (KLCI). The study employs Engle-Granger Cointegration test and Johansen-Juselius Multivariate Cointegration on the investigated variables. Using time series data from January 1983 through December 2006, the empirical findings show there exists a significant long-term relationship between KLCI performance and the four variables. The test results from Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition, however, fail to support the presence of a dynamic interaction between KLCI and the investigated variables. Interestingly, the test results form Granger Causality test indicate a significant role of money supply in influencing the performance of KLCI. The empirical findings from this study do have direct policy implications for regulators, international traders and investors.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Roles of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering (ICoHSE) 2010en_US
dc.subjectKuala Lumpur Composite Indexen_US
dc.subjectEngle-Granger Cointegration Testen_US
dc.subjectJohansen-Juselius Cointegration Testen_US
dc.subjectError Correction Modelen_US
dc.subjectCusum Test For Structural Breaken_US
dc.subjectInternational Conference on the Roles of Humanities and Social Science in Engineering (ICoHSE 2010)en_US
dc.titleThe effect of changes in oil price and monetary stance on stock market performance – Evidence from Bursa Malaysiaen_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US
dc.publisher.departmentCentre for Communication Skills and Entrepreneurshipen_US

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