Privacy in public networked sites of university students in Malaysia
Latisha Asmaak, Shafie
Mahani, Mansor
Nazira, Osman
Surina, Nayan
Anis, Maesin
Show full item recordAbstract
9.4 million Malaysians maintain social network sites profiles (Greyreview, 2009). In March
2009, there were more than one million users of Facebook in Malaysia (Facebook, 2009). A
brief survey by Youthsay showed 95 percent of 900 respondents have Friendster’s account,
90% with Facebook and 38% with Twitter (GreyReview, 2009). Popular social network sites
in Malaysia are Facebook, YouTube, Friendster and MySpace meanwhile Twitter was the 8th
most popular social network in Malaysia (Greyreview, 2009). The popularity of 3G phones
contributes to easy access of social network sites to social networkers. The popularity of social
media networks is due to their conversational tone as knowledge is effectively shared through
a process of discussing, storytelling and collaborative editing. University students consider
social network sites to support their existing relationships. This study investigated university
students’ participation in social networking sites and their perception of privacy in online social
networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Friendster etc. Data was collected
through survey. The study reveals that Facebook and MySpace are two most popular social
network sites and the respondents believe that their chosen networking sites provide adequate
protection regarding their personal relationships, financial information and religious or political
- Conference Papers [2599]