Review on the possible health hazards from telecommunication tower to nearby residential area
Cell phone technology has revolutionized the telecommunication scenario in the world. The numbers of cell phones and cell towers are increasing without giving due respect to its disadvantages. All over the world, people have been debating about
associated health risk due to radiation from telecommunication tower. This study will focused on previous cases of health hazards experienced by other countries and a highlighted on guidelines and standard used by Malaysia and outside countries. The
main objective of this study is to summarize the available guidelines establish in the particular issue based on the secondary reading and data collection from authorities and safety/health standards in Malaysia and other countries. Besides, this research is to tabulate the actual case studies based on the experienced faced in other countries and also to identify is there any possible health hazards that may occur from telecommunication tower to nearby residential area. The method used for this research
is secondary reading from journals, articles and website.