Study of bioaugmentation in decolourization of dye solution
Today, dye wastewater industry can cause serious pollution due to its high colour content. Therefore, this study examines the ability of pure culture bacteria isolated from activated rubber sludge in removing colour. Different parameters such as initial dye
concentration, bacteria dosage and contact time were studied for decolorization of
Methylene Blue (MB). The isolated bacteria identified as Streptococcus sp. has the
maximum dye decolorization potential of 78% by the end of 2.5 h under optimum
condition. Overall, higher bacteria dosage and lower initial dye concentration were
found to be more efficient in dye decolorization. This microbial treatment process is
simple, fast and economical for the decolorization of dyes. Thus, Streptococcus sp.
appears to be useful in processes of environmental and biotechnological significance.