Design and development of an innovative “Gamat” oil bottle or dispenser
“Gamat” is a marine life that usually lives in the cracks of the rocks. It is able to
cure many diseases. Because of that, “Gamat” oil has been produced and bottled in treating
minor injuries, joint pain and as massage oil. Problems detected when “Gamat” oil
customer find it difficult to open the inner cap oil bottle when they want to use it. The hole
should be made in advance to enable the oil to be used. The inner cap has also contributed
to the increase in time during the process of filling and bottling the “Gamat” oil. This
problem has given the opportunity to design and develop a new design of ”Gamat” oil
bottle that meet the needs of customers and manufacturer of “Gamat” oil. The data
obtained from interview and observation methods. Product specifications and Quality
Function Deployment (QFD) have been implemented for the purpose of measure and
comparison existing products. Several concepts were developed and the concept screening
and scoring were applied. The best concept was chosen and technical drawings were made
by using CATIA software. Besides that, several analyses were done in order to achieve the
objective for this project. The selection material and processing was conducted by using
DFM. Finite element analysis was shown the capability of the part when forces is applied
on it. The model was also generated to indicate the actual design of the “Gamat” oil bottle.
Weaknesses of the products identified and recommendations were made for improvement
of the product in the future.