Reduction of coating time for catheter process
The coating process is the process for covering up to the surface outer of
catheter. This study was conducted in order to reduce the time for coating process in
manufacturing catheter by using the process flow method. This study will focus on the
process flow that required a long time to coating the catheter. The coating process is
observed at the location where it often happens in order to find out the causes of the
decreased in time. Based on the observation, several potential causes and problem is
identified which can lead to the increasing time for coating process. In order to
encounter this problem, the testing methods are used. From the potential causes that
identified, the testing methods will be used to find the root cause of the problem. The
improvement will be implemented at the coating process and the data before and after
improvement are analysed in order to identify the time coating of catheter has been
reduce and thus will increases the quality of the product.