Product design and development using Design For Assembly (DFA) method: a case study on automated swallow feeding machine
This final year report is focuses on producing design concept of the swallow
feeding machine and a case study for easy assembly for automated swallow feeding
machine. In order to attract the swallows into the building, the effective mechanism that
can feed the swallows by blowing the food into the air and will be snatched by swallows
when it flew past is needed. The methodology of this project includes the product
design process which is the analysis of customer needed from the questionnaire. After
then, the building of quality is used to interpret the data needed from the result of
questionnaire. The concept generation is based on the customer need then the final
concept is defined using the screening and scoring method. From the final concept, it
will continue with the case studies on DFA method. DFA is an approach that addresses
product structure simplification without losing functional and quality of the product.
The efficiency of this machine is identified by using Boothroyd – Dewhurst guidelines.
Components that have the major influence on product assembly time are identified for
elimination or combination and redesign purpose.