Automatic water level indicator
A water tank is a container used for storing liquid especially water which is needed
for drinking, fire suppression, agricultural farming or irrigation as well as for food
preparations. However, there will be a problem faced as the water tank used go dry or overflow. As a solving to the problem, this project was introduced. The automatic water level indicator is a project based on both hardware and software. It is a project which can shows the condition or level of the water in the tank. The tanks is a normal tank which is attached to the transmitter and sensor as a detector which then gives the data to the other
parts which is receiver. The receiver will processed the data received to be given to the
PIC16F877A so that it could lead the LCD as a monitor, LEDs and buzzer to show its
output based on the condition in the tank. The PIC16F877A is the heart of this automatic
water level indicator as all of the programmed was implemented by it.