Greenhouse monitoring
The project titled Greenhouse Monitoring is a project, which consists of greenhouse
monitoring prototype, soil, humidity and temperature sensor circuit and a PC for display the reading of the parameters. Roughly this project is divided into three parts, which is the prototype that visualize the greenhouse model with existence of water flow meter and the water pump, the sensor that will detect the condition of soil, temperature and humidity
reading of surrounding and the PC which will display the reading of the parameters. The
prototype will then connect with microcontroller 8051 for programming. The operation
of this project is the sensors will pass the details of temperature and humidity reading and
the condition of the soil to the microcontroller. The microcontroller then will detects either
the soil need to be watering or not, based on the details from soil sensor. If needed, the
water will release by the water flow pump and the water flow meter will used to calculate
the volume of water that has entered. This project is suitable for a greenhouse that need a
simple yet cheap monitoring system.