The development of secured file server over Kernel virtual machine (KVM)
This project describes about centralized data management is the practice of
funneling the vast amount of security related data from the various sources in the network through a centralized process and personnel. This effort ensures a comprehensive view of the network security status. It provides the capability to have comprehensive of the network
data status by improve security. With a few careful considerations for data redundancy,
centralized data management can take advantage of the full power and potential for defense in depth and a hardened security posture. For file servers that use Linux operating system, it is well known for stability and economic reasons because Linux is a free operating system and open source. Immense networks used file servers to ease process of sharing, editing,searching information between clients and easier to secure and backed up the files when
centralized the files. For this project, users will saved all the data into file server and for security sides, users must log in using password and username. Then users can edit the files recording their department. If users from different department, their permission to edit
others department files will deny. Backup server will save or copies data from file server.