Development of an embedded controlling system for flood monitoring application
Flood monitoring systems is the system that is very important to society. This
system play big roles during the flooding situation, where the high effective system will
help government manage and flood efficiently and hence reduce death and its disaster
effect. Even though they are very important, global afford to make this system more
simple, easy to be operate and cost effective system is far from imagined. Most of this
system is expensive and need a lot of investment and training. This project comes with
innovation solution by using open source educational board known as Raspberry Pi that
acts as controller to help monitor the flood. This system provide simple and basic
monitoring interface, sufficient data on flood level, future short term water level
prediction, and alert messaging technique. The uses of open source board as controller,
basic ultrasonic water level detection and standard GSM broadband modem, this
product achieves very affordable cost that allow it to cover the river part start from the
uphill until the downstream to provide the government with real time data and help
government to manage the flood more effectively.