Machine learning analysis of multiparameter home telecare clinical measurement data for patient health stratification
A medical decision support system (DSS) is designed to assist clinician in monitoring
patient’s health by the means of providing reminders, advice as well as interpretation.
This system is good enough in the sense of monitoring patient’s health and improves the early prevention by the means of providing ‘just-in-time’ notifications for the best action to be taken. In Biomedical System Laboratory (BSL) of UNSW, there is a system as such
described that provides information on the patient’s conditions based on the risk they
may have by analyzing the data entered in the database. But there is a need to improve
current system to increase their performance. Score generated by the DSS is compared
with the journal on patient’s conditions entered manually by medical personnel. The
objective is to see the reliability of the score generated by the DSS. Unfortunately, due to
some problems on the data, the outcome of this study can’t be used for reference.
However, the method used can be repeated but with a better database storing the patient’s