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dc.contributor.authorTang, Chiok Chew
dc.descriptionAccess is limited to UniMAP community.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe bus impedance matrix is an excellent network description use in the solution of faulty networks. Unlike traditional network analysis, a bus impedance matrix usually used simplified notation such as a one-line diagram and per-unit system, and focus on various forms of AC power such as reactive, real, and apparent power rather than voltage and current. Even though it is easy to use bus impedance matrix for fault computations, the bus impedance matrix is not easy to form. One difficulty associated to build the bus impedance matrix is the ordering of primitive elements. There exist a lot of software implementations of power network studies. The great importance of bus impedance matrix is analyzing faults of an existing power system network, which also indirectly planning the future expansion of power systems as well as determining the best operation of existing systems. The principal information obtained from bus impedance matrix is the formulation to compute faults of a power system network. This project is mainly concerned on Kron Reduction method, where the formulations of Kron Reduction use to develop a program that will reduce the bus impedance matrix back to its original pxp order in the process of finding a bus impedance formulation. In this purpose, Visual Basic 6.0 software is used to provide graphic user interface (GUI) for the user to enter the desired number of buses impedance data at computer. Besides, it also shows a Zbus matrix and will produce the simplest Zbus matrix at the end of program calculation. Through the project, it can be concluded that development of bus impedance matrix using Visual Basic 6.0 can solve impedance matrix up to infinite buses easily and faster.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)en_US
dc.subjectBus impedance matrixen_US
dc.subjectImpedance matrixen_US
dc.subjectTutorial softwareen_US
dc.titleImpedance bus matrix formulation tutorial softwareen_US
dc.typeLearning Objecten_US
dc.contributor.advisorZainuddin Mat Isaen_US
dc.publisher.departmentSchool of Electrical Systems Engineeringen_US

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