The role that lignocellulosic feedstocks and various biorefining technologies can play in meeting Ireland's biofuel targets
This paper considers the contribution that biorefi neries, through the production of second-generation biofuels from lignocellulosic feedstocks, can make in the Republic of Ireland to the mandated 10% transport biofuel quotient for
2020. An emphasis is placed on the avoidance of land-use confl ict issues and, hence, on the prioritization of waste/
residue utilization before dedicated energy crops are grown. It is concluded that up to 5.3% of the 2010 demand for
biofuels can be met from the utilization of feasible quantities of wastes and residues in near-term biorefi ning technologies
and that 5% of the 2020 petrol and diesel demand can be met via processing a similar quantity of waste in advanced
biorefi ning processes based on consolidated bioprocessing micro-organisms and syngas-reforming catalysts.
The remaining biofuel requirements for 2020 can be met by processing energy crops. Between 1.4% and 15.9% of
the agricultural area of Ireland is required for the production of these crops, depending on the particular feedstock and
technology employed. The production of a high-yielding Miscanthus crop that is harvested directly after senescence
will place the minimum requirement on Irish land.
- Document Delivery [22]