Analysis of voice and sentence repetition using FSL
FMRIB Software Library (FSL) is the collection tools of neuroimaging collection data which been developed by University of Oxford. The FMRI Expert Analysis Tool (FEAT)
is the superior General Linear Model (GLM)-based FMRI analysis tool with a simple but commanding GUI, carrying out data preprocessing; first-level GLM analysis with
prewhitening; registration to subject-specific structural images and standard space. In this study, two types of method has
been used which are block and event related. The main objectives are to study human brain activity while hearing repetition of voice and sentence. Each sentence was recorded
by other speakers with the instruction to not only repeat the sentence but to follow as much as possible the intonation and rhythm of the first speaker. Intonation, syntax and word content were very different across sentences. Prior studies shown that at a neural level, repetition tends to marked as a decrease in activation in auditory areas, perhaps due to habituation of neuronal responses.
- Conference Papers [2599]