Automatic railway gate with digital alarm
The project is about automatic railway gate with digital alarm system to control the
operation of railway gates by detecting the arrival and departure of trains at the gate. The sensor operates with movement detection that located at a range on the railway track, so
that the people know the arrival and departure of the train. There are two sensors are used
that give the signal to microcontroller which activates the motors to open and close the
railway gate. Two sensors are use to detect the train that came across the road. When the
sensor is detect the arrival train, the digital alarm system start to operate and the LCD
screen display “ARRIVAL TRAIN STOP” that’s mean all vehicles must stop because the
gate is going automatically closing the road. By using PIC16F877A program code, the LED
is connected to port pins of PIC microcontroller and give the output. The LED system used
to warn people about the train is going to cross the road. Moreover, the railway gate must
use servo motor for opening and closing gate automatically. Servo motor is rotate 90 degree
forward for closing the gate while backward for opening. The digital alarm also produce the
siren sound as a warning for people to stop their vehicles and the gate closed whereas train
become to cross road.